Incident Response Team
Samvera’s model for responding to incidents of Code of Conduct or Anti-Harassment violations is to have a team of responders, called the Response Team, responsible for and capable of handling incidents reported either online or at in-person events and determining if a violation has occurred. The Response Team is a separate body from the Samvera Helpers, though membership may overlap (individuals may serve in both capacities, but do not have to do so).
The Response Team comprises 5-10 members. Names of the members and their term dates are recorded on the Samvera wiki. Each Response Team member serves a two-year term. At the end of the first year, the individual has the opportunity to confirm their willingness and availability to continue to serve their term on the Response Team. A member can serve up to 3 consecutive two-year terms. If any time, a Response team member needs to step back for a break, three-months notice are requested so there is sufficient time to find, and potentially train, a replacement member.
Samvera Community Safety