Core Components
The following are core components that are part of running a Hyrax-based web application.
[Create list of core components with links to Github wiki pages.]
Active Fedora
ActiveFedora is a Ruby gem for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Architecture
Getting Started with ActiveFedora
ActiveFedora Tutorials and Reference
Hydra Derivatives
hydra-derivatives is a Ruby gem that provides derivative generation for Samvera repositories
Getting Started with hydra-derivatives
hydra-derivatives additional details regarding FFMpeg and video transcoding
Hydra-Head is a Ruby-on-Rails gem containing the core code for a web application using the full stack of Samvera building blocks.
IIIF Manifest
IIIF defines an API for presenting related images in a viewer. This transforms Hydra::Works objects into that format usable by players such as
LDP (Linked Data Platform)
Linked Data Platform client library for Ruby