Samvera Connect 2023

Samvera Connect 2023


Philadelphia, PA  |  Monday 23rd October - Thursday 26th October

Samvera Connect 2023 Philadelphia

Samvera Connect is a chance for the Samvera Community to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community solidarity. The meeting program is aimed at existing adopters, managers and developers and at new folks who may be just "kicking the tires" on Samvera technologies and who want to learn more.

Registration & Schedule

Register for the conference and see the full schedule on Sched (note you must sign up or log into Sched to see the option to register): https://samveraconnect2023.sched.com/

Early Bird Full Conference Registration (through September 23rd): $499
Full Conference Registration (after Sept 23rd): $599
One-Day Registration: $320 (Tue or Wed ONLY)
One-Day Registration (after Sept 23rd): $380 (Tue or Wed ONLY)
Pre-Conference Workshops: $20 for 90 min workshops & $40 for 3 hr workshops

See our FAQ for detailed registration instructions, cancellation, and payment policies.

The full conference registration includes breakfast and lunch plus morning and afternoon snacks and coffee breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday, plus a Tuesday evening reception.

Dining and Social Event Signup

Map of recommended restaurants and coffee shops near the hotel (with thanks to our conference services team for the recommendations!)

Sign up for social activities:

Travel and Lodging

The conference will be held at the Marriott Old City in Philadelphia, PA. Located in the heart of the historic district, Philadelphia Marriott Old City is within walking distance to historic sights such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and Betsy Ross House. The hotel is also within walking distance to many excellent restaurants. Use our group rate reservation link to reserve your room by 5pm on October 2nd.

Attendees are encouraged to stay in the conference hotel and use the Samvera Connect room reservation system to help us keep conference costs down. Rooms are USD $219 per night plus 15.5% tax, for single or double room occupancy.

Book your group rate for Samvera Connect 2023

Airport: Philadelphia International Airport, 9 miles from the hotel

Train: Amtrak Philadelphia Rail Station/ 30th St Station is 2.4 miles from the hotel. You can connect to the subway on the Market-Frankford Line (see below)

Metro/Subway: 6 min walk (.3 miles) from the 2nd Street Septa stop (Market-Frankford Line) to the hotel

Parking: Hotel parking is $55 per day


Through the generosity of contributors to our Connect Scholarship Fund, we are able to offer awards to a small number of applicants to attend the 2023 Samvera Connect conference in Philadelphia, PA, from Sunday 22nd October to Thursday 26th October 2023. 

Applications are open to Samvera Community participants. Priority consideration will be given to applicants who are unable to attend without some financial assistance and to applicants from underrepresented groups in the technology and open source communities including, but not limited to: LGBTQIA+, women, people of color, ability/disability, non-binary gender identities, etc. 
The Scholarship Award will provide funding for conference registration and any workshops (if applicable), and for accommodation up to the four nights Sunday 22nd - Wednesday 25th October. It does not cover other costs such as travel and subsistence. It is anticipated that the applicant’s home institution will provide financial support to supplement the Samvera Connect Scholarship Award. 

The deadline for applications is Friday, August 11th, 2023. Applicants will be notified of decisions by August 18th, 2023.

To contribute to the Scholarship Fund, contact heather@samvera.org.Volunteer at the Conference

More information and volunteer sign-ups coming later in 2023.

Samvera Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct

All Samvera event attendees must read and adhere to the Samvera Community Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.


  • Payment Policy: Payment for the full amount of the registration fees must be made by credit card at the time of registration. If you need access to an alternate method of payment, please contact samvera@concentra-cms.com for options.

  • Cancellation Policy: All cancellations received on or before September 22, 2023 are eligible for a full refund of fees paid, less a 10% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued after the September 22 cut-off date. Registrants are able to transfer completed registrations to colleagues - please contact samvera@concentra-cms.com to finalize this process.

  • Go to Samvera Connect 2023 Sched Site: https://samveraconnect2023.sched.com/

  • You must Sign Up (if you are new to Sched) or Log In (if you already have an account) to access the tickets and to build your schedule. Find the options to access your account at the top of the screen.

  • Once logged in, click the purple “Reserve Tickets” button.

  • Add the tickets of your choice to the Cart. Scroll down to find the tickets you would like to purchase (i.e. Full Conference, One-Day, Pre-Conference). Click the + to add 1 ticket to your cart. Once you have selected all of the tickets you want, click Next.

  • Complete the Registration Form (Please note items with * are required). Once completed, click Place Order.

  • You will be redirected to a Stripe Payment window. Please enter your billing information and click Pay to finalize your registration. 

  • Once your ticket(s) have been purchased, you can return to the schedule page to create your agenda. Click on the sessions you are interested in to add them to your schedule. (Note: Pre-Conference Workshops require the purchase of a ticket to attend)

The conference will follow venue, local and CDC requirements and regulations regarding mask wearing, social distancing and related health measures. Anyone who would prefer to wear a mask in any setting is welcome to do so. Please do NOT attend the event if you have recently tested positive or are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms.

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