Samvera Virtual Connect 2020 Program

Samvera Virtual Connect 2020 Program

Day 1 -Ā  May 14, 11am - 2pm Eastern Standard Time



PresentersRecordings and Slides


Welcome and Housekeeping from the Virtual Connect Committee!


Franny Gaede (University of Oregon), David Schober (Northwestern)Recording
11:10-11:30Avalon UpdateĀ 

The Avalon Media System update is intended to give a summary of the development progress and goals of the Avalon team since the last Samvera Connect. New work discussed will include transcript support, work on the Avalon IIIF media player and continued development on porting Avalon to Hyrax.

EveryoneJon Cameron (Indiana University)Recording
11:30-11:40Hyku 2020: What's In Store for Samvera's Multi-Tenant Solution

Hyku, the multi-tenant Samvera solution built on Hyrax, is moving full-steam through 2020 with project initiatives that will bring valuable features to this platform. We'll look at a snapshot of current notable Hyku projects, as well at the roadmap ahead. We'll also highlight new turnkey service solutions and Hyku's presence in the community and online.


Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)Recording

Hyrax Update

A community update on the recent Hyrax development.EveryoneTom Johnson (UCSB)Recording
11:50-12:10Valkyrizing the Duke Digital Repository

A team at Duke University Libraries refactored the Duke Digital Repository software stack, replacing Fedora 3 with the Valkyrie gem. The project kicked off in November of 2018, and concluded with the rollout of DDR 2.0.0 in January of 2020. Presenters will share the teamā€™s experience and provide an overview of the DDRā€™s updated architecture.

Samvera developers and managers of Samvera teamsWill Sexton (Duke University)



12:20-12:50Working GroupsWorking and Interest Group Updates
  • Component Maintenance WG - James Griffin
  • BrowseEverything IG - James Griffin
  • Metadata IG - Anna Goslen
  • Hyrax v3.0 Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review WG - Nora Egloff
  • Repository Management IG - Moira Downey
  • Infrastructure WG - Michael Klein
  • Newspapers IG - Eben English
  • Hyrax Maintenance WG - Tom Johnson
  • Geo Predicates WG - John Huck
12:50-1:00React NPM module / dev environment starter package

Forking this Github starter project spins up a webpack React dev environment, along with some tools and commands to bundle your React component to share via NPM. An alternative to Create React App, the project configuration was developed with the aim of exporting and sharing with other React apps in the wild.

Developers, Front-End developers, project managersAdam Arling (Northwestern University)Recording
1:00-1:10React IIIF Player

IIIF player, is a ReactJS component which renders a MediaElementJS player and a structure navigation component from a IIIF 3.0 spec manifest. This is delivered as an exportable yarn/npm package.

Developers, Front-End developers, project managersDananji Withana (Indiana Univeristy)Recording
1:10-1:20Hyrax and Archivematica: central to implementing digital preservation workflowsThe University of Hull has been partnering with CoSector to develop and implement a digital preservation infrastructure for the management of a digital archive for the UK City of Culture 2017. The infrastructure is based on a combination of systems that do they do best, with Hyrax and Archivematica central to the overall workflow. Following development in 2019, this talk provides an update on implementation of the infrastructure and reports on the lessons learned from turning an idea into practical reality.Librarians working with digital preservation, digital archivists, digital collection managersChris Awre, Laura Giles, Rory McNicholl (University of Hull and CoSector)



Day 2 - May 15, 11am - 2pm Eastern Standard Time



Welcome and Housekeeping from the Virtual Connect Committee!


Franny Gaede (University of Oregon), David Schober (Northwestern)Recording
11:10-11:30Inter-institutional Spikes: Exploring ElixirPrinceton and Northwestern recently underwent a two-week spike to explore a set of new technologies we might use in our respective teams. We looked at ElasticSearch, Elixir, and Phoenix. This presentation will go through our expected outcomes, strategies for a successful collaboration, our eventual output, and a retrospective on how the process went with advice for any others looking to do this kind of exploratory work.Managers, DevelopersTrey Pendragon (Princeton) & Michael Klein (Northwestern)



11:30-11:50A Hykurax Projects Panel: Advancing Hyku, Hyku for Consortia, and Hyrax Analytics LeadsWhat are the alignments and differences of three currently funded Hyku/Hyrax development efforts? A discussion with Advancing Hyku, Hyku for Consortia, and Hyrax Analytics leads will address deliverables of each project, unique contributions, and areas of alignment and collaboration of these three concurrent efforts to enhance the Hyku/Hyrax community core and Hyku/Hyrax applicability to use specific use cases. Background information on each project is available at:

Advancing Hyku: https://advancinghyku.io/
Hyku for Consortia: https://www.hykuforconsortia.org/
Hyrax Analytics: https://www.imls.gov/grants/awarded/lg-36-19-0033-19
Technical and librarian participants from institutions interested in any or all of the use cases of these three projects

Advancing Hyku: Ellen Ramsey, Brian Hole; Hyku for Consortia: Gretchen Gueguen, Amanda Hurford; Hyrax Analytics: Margaret Mellinger

(University of Virginia, Ubiquity Press, PALCI, PALNI, Oregon State University)



11:50-12:00Creating javascript components to provide rich user experiences for search and browseModern javascript frameworks like React and Vue facilitate building dynamic, rich user interfaces (like thematic sites or research tools). In this lightning talk, we'll show how we each built search components using these frameworks which use the Blacklight API but not the Blacklight UI. We'll also discuss how these components are being utilized and possibilities for making shared community javascript components.Developers, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata SpecialistsChris Colvard (Indiana University) and Rodrigo CuƩllar Hidalgo (El Colegio de MƩxico)




12:20-12:40Working Groups

Working and Interest Group Updates

  • Code of Conduct WG - Jessica Hilt
  • Contribution Model WG - Robin Ruggaber
  • Roadmap Council - Rob Kaufman
  • Marketing WG - Chris Awre
  • Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree WG - Julie Hardesty
  • Hyrax Permissions WG - Jeremy Friesen
12:40-1:00Enhanced Preservation, Fewer Migrations: Fedora 6 and the Oxford Common File LayoutFedora 6, the next major version of Fedora, will focus on digital preservation by aligning with the Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL). The OFCL is an application-independent approach to the storage of digital objects in a structured, transparent, and predictable manner. This provides many benefits, including: parsability, both by humans and machines, to ensure content can be understood in the absence of original software; robustness against errors, corruption, and migration between storage technologies; versioning, so repositories can make changes to objects allowing its history to persist; storage diversity, to ensure content can be stored on diverse storage infrastructures including cloud object stores; and completeness, so that a repository can be rebuilt from the files it stores. This presentation will provide an overview of the Fedora 6 design, including a brief introduction to the OCFL and how it is being implemented, along with a summary of development progress to date and the anticipated timeline for the 6.0 release.Repository managers, developers, and anyone interested in learning more about the features of the next major Fedora release.David Wilcox (Duraspace)



1:00-1:10Using API-Ingest for AvalonThis talk outlines our digitization workflow, the problems we encountered with batch ingest, and how we used Avalon's api-ingest.People interested in Avalon or Audio/VideoTim Lepczyk (WGBH)Recording
1:10-1:20Relevancy and the Creation of Shared MeaningA major advantage of open source repositories is that search results and relevancy ranking can be tuned to our specific collections, as well as our usersā€™ needs.

This lightning talk will explore how users, developers, and catalogers collaborate to create shared meaning in the form of search results and relevancy ranking, and will discuss what types of interventions can be made in that meaning-making process to allow user needs and search results to be more closely aligned.
Developers, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata SpecialistsMax Kadel (Data Curation Experts)



1:20-1:50Samvera Connect 2020 UpdateAn update about Samvera Connect 2020 from the organizers to the community.Samvera CommunityBrian McBrideRecording

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