ArcLight Fall 2016 Project Update
November 1, 2016
The ArcLight project team would like to provide a brief update regarding our progress on the design process and and timeline for further work. ArcLight is intended be a Blacklight-based environment that supports discovery and digital delivery of information in archives. The project team is using a community-oriented, collaborative design process for ArcLight to engage more institutions earlier in the process.
Completion of discovery process. We have recently completed the second phase of discovery in the ArcLight Design Process. Within this phase, the team conducted interviews with archivists and archives researchers at Stanford University, University of Michigan, Georgia Tech, and the Chemical Heritage Foundation. The team analyzed the interviews in summer 2016, and recently completed writing an analysis of the user interviews. This document, in addition to other completed design documentation can be found on the ArcLight Design Documents page.
Start of information architecture process. The project team has just started phase one of the information architecture process and are currently working on the development of personas and specifying and prioritizing user needs. Once that work is complete, the project team will be developing wireframes. We expect the information architecture work to run through January 2017.
Technical planning and development timeline. We are planning to start development in early 2017 and are beginning to plan out ArcLight’s technical requirements. The project team is interested to hear from community members or institutions that may be able to contribute the technical planning and development work; please contact us for more information if so inclined.
More information on the project can be found on the ArcLight wiki page. Please let us know if you have any questions by sending email to
The ArcLight design team
Gary Geisler, Jennifer Vine, and Mark Matienzo (Stanford University Libraries)
Nabeela Jaffer and Mike Shallcross (University of Michigan)
Wendy Hagenmeier (Georgia Tech)