Samvera Virtual Connect 2024 Program

Samvera Virtual Connect 2024 Program

See videos of all the presentations on the Samvera YouTube channel

Community notes

Day 1 -Ā  Tuesday, May 7, 11am - 2:00pm Eastern Daylight Time





Presentation slides





Presentation slides

10:30 - 10:50

Breakout sessions

Join a lightly facilitated discussion group and dive deeper into these topics. Discussion group Zoom links will be shared via email a few days before the conference.

Tuesday Morning session:

  • Getting started with the Samvera Community: meet the Samvera Community Manager and learn more about how to keep up to date, get involved, find resources, and learn from others in the community.




Welcome to Day 1

Welcome and review of the Samvera Code of Conduct and Community Guidelines

@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)



Technology Updates from Avalon Media System, Hyrax, and Hyku

The latest news about releases, maintenance, roadmaps, interest groups, and whatā€™s coming up next for Samvera software solutions.

@Jon Cameron (Indiana University)

@Rebekah Kati (UNC Chapel Hill) and @Daniel Pierce (Indiana University)


@Kevin Kochanski (SoftServ by Scientist.com)






Hyrax Web Accessibility Evaluation and Planning

Web accessibility has always been a concern for Hyrax development. Centering web accessibility, however, has varied over time based on involvement from community members and requirements encountered at partner institutions. We will share recent web accessibility work in Hyrax (last 3-4 years), how the scene looks today across partner institutions and known implementations regarding web accessibility evaluation tools and requirements, and how we could proceed within Hyrax development work and the Samvera Community as a whole to better center web accessibility moving forward. This supports community calls for a Samvera Web Accessibility Interest/Working Group. This also requires more than just passing tests from web crawling tools and filling out VPAT forms and should include a process to accept and incorporate feedback from real users conducting accessibility compliance testing.

@Rebekah Kati (UNC Chapel Hill)

@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)



Emory IR Hyrax 5, Valkyrie, and Fedora 6

In this talk, we will discuss Emory's work in progress to implement a new institutional repository application with Hyrax 5, Valkyrie, and Fedora 6, including a migration of data currently preserved in Fedora 3. We will also share lessons learned from our previous migration pilot using the Fedora 3 to 6 migration utility, and our revised strategy to re-ingest the data directly through Hyrax.

@Emily Porter, Brad Watson (Emory University)



The Destination is the Journey: Improving IU Digital Collections Service Through Open-Source Collaborations

Indiana University Libraries has implemented Hyrax 2.9.6 with Fedora 4, Bulkrax 1, and AllinsonFlex in a heavily customized application, Digital Collections (https://digitalcollections.iu.edu/). We are far behind on current releases of many of these pieces but have nonetheless migrated over 120,000 works into over 350 collections (managed in 28 admin sets) from multiple legacy systems over the course of almost 2 years. This migration at scale has not been easy and we have adjusted our workflow to incorporate external derivative generation to ease some of the scaling issues. Additionally, we are externalizing our jp2 derivative storage, updating to Bulkrax 5, and eventually updating our base software to Hyrax 5 with Fedora 6. Our experience has been complex with improvements to end user experience balancing deteriorated performance in importing and collection management. Using Hyrax is also more than just a software package installation, and the connections across institutions and growth in our development practices has provided far more benefit to IU Librariesā€™ management and care of its digital collections and people than previous legacy systems and projects. This talk will share our current status and hopes for our journey with Hyrax and the Samvera Community moving forward.

@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)



Working Group and Interest Group Activity Reports

Learn what Samvera Interest and Working Groups have accomplished recently, what they are working on next, and how you can join them.

@Annamarie Klose , Samvera Metadata Interest Group
@Emily Porter, Repository Managers Interest Group

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VVOmk6WYLzOPO4Ru1oQ_zu35NlXdR2841BvBfFG_WOI/edit?usp=sharing RMIG Updates 2024






Fedora 6 and Hyrax: Report from the Working Group

In late Fall 2023, the Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group was formed by a group of stakeholders from the Samvera and Fedora communities who were interested in investigating development efforts required to see a migration path to Hyrax 5.0 backed by Fedora 6. The original charter for the WG was focused initially, on scoping work to establish this pathway, however work on the Hyrax-Valkyrization Community Effort moved much more quickly than expected (thankfully!). The WG re-wrote their Scope and Objectives in early 2024 and through continued collaboration, have begun working through developmental efforts to see Hyrax 5.0 backed by Fedora 6 through Valkyrie.

This presentation will provide an update on the newly defined Scope and Objectives of the WG and discuss plans to achieve our deliverables. We will highlight the work we have accomplished to date and share the work we intend to accomplish.

@Arran Griffith (Fedora)




It's Time to Upgrade from FCREPO 4

It's Time to Upgrade from FCREPO 4 - this talk will focus on the steps to upgrade from <= Rails 5.2 and from FCREPO 4 to something currently maintained.

@Rob Kaufman (SoftServ by Scientist.com)



Collaborative IR in Germany

Repositories play a key role for the long-term access and publication of research data. In Germany, a landscape of discipline-specific research data repositories is complemented by state-wide infrastructures for research data deposit. However, there are cultural barriers for the use of research data repositories, especially for data which are not (yet) intended for public access. In this field of tension, the Ruhr University Bochum decided to establish an institutional research data repository based on Samvera technologies. Supported by an external service-provider, adaptations to the platform were made to lower the cultural barrier for data deposit and direct linking with relevant metadata by the researchers themselves. The implementation was carried out in close collaboration between central IT, library and a research use case. In a first stage, ReSeeD was brought into service late 2023 and is intended to serve as infrastructure for the about 6000 researchers of the university and external project partners.

Nina O.C. Winter (Ruhr University Bochum)



Community Updates & wrap up

Learn more about Samvera events in 2024 and 2025 and other upcoming and ongoing Community initiatives.

@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)



Breakout sessions

Join a lightly facilitated discussion group and dive deeper into these topics. Discussion group Zoom links will be shared via email a few days before the conference.

Tuesday afternoon sessions:

  • Community: Ask questions, give feedback, and discuss all things Samvera Community including future events, Samvera Partnership, how to get involved, whatā€™s new and whatā€™s missing, and more.

  • Hyrax: Ask questions about Hyrax and Valkyrie integration, the roadmap, developer resources, contributing to community code, and other ways to learn from other Hyrax adopters.

  • Hyku: Ask questions about the latest Hyku releases, and connect with other Hyku adopters.





Day 2 - Wednesday, May 8, 11am - 2:00pm Eastern Daylight Time





Presentation slides and videos





Presentation slides and videos







Hyku & Controlled Digital Lending

In 2021, the Boston Library Consortiumā€™s Board of Directors approved the implementation of controlled digital lending (CDL) as a mechanism for interlibrary loan (ILL). While many localized technical solutions were developed at that time, no technology existed to enable CDL for ILL amongst a library consortium. After several years of development and collaboration with Index Data, the BLC is launching its long-awaited CDL for ILL program utilizing ReShare CDL, a module of the open-source software championed by Project ReShare. Hyku for Consortia has been an essential tool to complement ReShare CDL and facilitate our workflows by hosting digital surrogates and providing temporary controlled access to digital materials. This presentation will provide an overview to the BLCā€™s journey towards this unique implementation of CDL, explore the integration of Hyku in our overall workflow, and discuss the challenges of adapting these technologies at scale.

Debra Denault & Marc Hoffeditz, Index Data & Boston Library Consortium



Fedora: Getting Back to Community

This presentation will provide an update and overview of what is happening in the Fedora community. 2022 - 2023 was a year of strategic planning, listening and engaging with the community, finding implementers in new and unique spaces, and getting back in touch with our users. We will discuss the wins we experienced, and the challenges we foresee as we look to the future, and how we plan to tackle them and work toward a sustainable, community-focused future for Fedora.

We will also share what work we have in the pipeline and provide updates on current collaborative work in progress.

@Arran Griffith (Fedora)









Samvera Community Service Providers: Go Further

In 2023, SoftServ met with multiple institutions who were unaware of options to collaborate with service providers for app maintenance, developer training, and project management. It's encouraging how many institutions are entering the Samvera space, but the road to adoption can be overwhelming when they aren't aware of available resources to assist them. This session will provide information on the various ways service providers can collaborate with institutions to assist beyond application development, including:

  • Maintenance & support

  • Project bootstrapping, solution design, and specification

  • Project management

  • Customized training & developer onboarding

  • Application hosting
    We'll also celebrate the ways that service providers have worked with each other in the past, highlighting case studies of successful community collaboration.
    SoftServ by Scientist.com presents this in collaboration with Antleaf, CoSector, Cottage Labs, Data Curation Experts, and Ubiquity Press, because if you want to go far, go together.

@Kevin Kochanski (SoftServ by Scientist.com)



Working Group and Interest Group Activity Reports

Learn what Samvera Interest and Working Groups have accomplished recently, what they are working on next, and how you can join them.

@Kevin Kochanski , Bulkrax Interest Group

@Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Outreach & Engagement Working Group & Samvera Roadmaps Alignment Group

@Kiah Stroud , Samvera Developer Onboarding Working Group



How to Knapsack

Learn all about Knapsack - Making Hyku more maintainable and easier to upgrade.

@Rob Kaufman (SoftServ by Scientist.com)








Code Workflow Automation Using Agents

This presentation aims to explore the possible approaches for integrating large-language models and frameworks driven by these generative engines into the maintenance and ongoing support of open source software projects. While the presentation aims to outline experiments in the usage of software frameworks using the Python programming language, the strategies described should be applicable to any number of languages and frameworks, including Ruby on Rails and Samvera.

@James Griffin (Princeton University)




Beyond the Traditional IIIF Viewer: How to Craft IIIF-Fluent Page Content with Clover IIIF

In this presentation, we will demonstrate how to swiftly craft dynamic content for cultural heritage items with IIIF APIs. We'll step beyond traditional viewers, spreading content from a IIIF Collection across a hypothetical digital project. During this implementation, we will leverage the composable React components packaged in Clover IIIF: Image, Scroll, Slider, Viewer, and the essential IIIF Primitives. The process will illustrate the power of defining well-structured, interoperable resources. We will use content from the IIIF Collection, including its Manifests, Canvases, and Annotations, demonstrating how they can be utilized by both your institution's projects and researchers worldwide.

This presentation will showcase the practical application of Clover IIIF's versatile components and highlight how we can rethink our approaches in leveraging IIIF content housed in our collections. Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to apply these techniques to enhance their own cultural heritage projects.

@Mat Jordan (Northwestern University)



Closing and presentations wrap-up


@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)



Breakout session: Accessibility challenges, tools, and community initiatives

This breakout session is designed to bring together community members working on accessibility initiatives with those who want to learn more or arenā€™t sure where to get started. All participants are welcome, including developers, repository managers, and other stakeholders. Facilitators from IU will likely start with a brief overview of work done with Avalon Media System as an example and the tools that were used. Participants who are interested in learning more are invited to share about the obstacles they face in getting started with accessibility work. Participants with experience will have the opportunity to share both about the types of accessibility challenges theyā€™ve solved and the tools they find helpful. We can also discuss Samvera community initiatives around accessibility, including the proposed Samvera Web Accessibility Interest/Working Group. The goal of this breakout session is to begin to make the challenge of accessibility more approachable through collaboration and knowledge sharing.

@Emily Lynema , @Jon Cameron (Indiana University)


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