Agenda: Wrap-up for Developer Congress January 23-27, 2023
Agenda: Wrap-up for Developer Congress January 23-27, 2023
Required roles: Host, note-taker
- Host will use the list of topics in the wiki to call on each facilitator. Facilitators should summarize:
- The focus of the group
- What the group accomplished
- Whether there are next steps or follow-up steps and how those have been captured
- Host will lead a retrospective
- proposed format: plus/delta
- Give 3 minutes at the beginning to allow people to take notes on what they want to say
- Host invites people to "raise hand" to contribute to the retro
- Participants can speak to both categories at once to reduce the time spent calling on people.
- Ensure the notes are open so people can add things late
- Hyrax on Ruby 3.0+
- no direct Hyrax work for this yet, centered on core components instead
- Hyrax Valkyrization
- stuck on cleaning up old PR; still using Wings and there are multiple ways to convert from Objects, a new conversion method to replace HyraPCDM seems to not be complete so that is where this work is
- Daniel will continue work on this and will reach out to tamsin and write up issue about what is happening
- Alex has open PR still to upgrade to Valkyrie 3 because of CircleCI issue; Valkyrie has shared specs that are run by Hyrax but that shared spec uses a utility that isn't on CircleCI used by Hyrax; might need to discuss with Trey but might also be able to add in new system dependencies, not sure; orb could be updated if that is needed
- Daniel prefers to have spec running so hopefully this utility can be added
- Video recording of how to determine status of Hyrax Valkyrization using testing spreadsheet and project board - https://demo.avalonmediasystem.org/media_objects/76537164j
- Review and test old Hyrax tickets
- reviewed 283 tickets of ~450 in backlog
- several seem to be closable (yay!)
- Review/finalize Hyrax Maintenance Policy
- PR to add policy to GitHub repo as md doc - will live in documentation directory
- Core Components on Ruby 3.1 and Rails 7.0
- all repos have ability to move forward with this update (have PRs ready to merge or have been merged)
- AF release in progress and needed for other gems to be updated, but that is the only blocker for other core components
- AF is only gem release so far
- still more releases to do
- Identify and fix flaky tests in hyrax
- first flaky test resolved
- issues created for other flaky tests and those are not completed
- maintenance policy PR getting stuck might be a new flaky test that also needs to be resolved - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/5950
- good ratio of testers to developers and there was clear work for everyone to plug into
- Topic suggestion still seems to work well
- still issues with M1 Mac and Docker for certain Sidekiq jobs (attaching Filesets, for example)
- able to build and run Hyrax 3.5.0 release locally for testing Hyrax backlog issues
Longed for
- wish we could work on example topic of AF and Fedora 5 (so we could move toward F6!)
- didn't quite have the folks needed to get across the Hyrax-Valk MVP finish line
- aiming to do more dev congresses more regularly
- new project board was something worth trying again, good that it is at the Samvera level (organization level)
, multiple selections available,
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