Check-in for Developer Congress May 19, 2022
Check-in for Developer Congress May 19, 2022
Zoom URL:Ā https://iu.zoom.us/j/88944228014?pwd=WGFBVktDU044blp5UVYxQ0xsU1NSZz09Ā
We'll record group updates here in case there's anyone who misses the call
Session Updates
Samvera Maintenance Gem Management CLI
- Participants
- Updates
Hyrax Upgrade Work for Blacklight 7/Rails 6
- Participants
- Juliet Hardesty
- Emily Porter
- AyoubĀ Belemlih
- Clare Barton
- Alex Zotov
- Daniel Pierce
- Rebekah Kati
- Updates
- Some issues have been closed, and work is advancing!
- There have also been some new issues discovered
- Rails 6 update is likely to be delayed
- Pull Request:Ā https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/5651
- One does not need to extend the ViewComponents, as the usage in Blacklight 6 was driven by Helpers, rather than ViewComponents
- (To be drafted)
Other Groups
- CircleCI Updates
- Daniel PierceĀ
- Stuck with trying to get the Jasmine/JavaScript tests running in the new environment
- There needs to be a new PhantomJS library
- Currently looking at Karma for running the test suite in the Chrome Docker Container
- Karma has plugins for different testing frameworks, there is one for letting another Docker Container offer the browser
- Blacklight Upgrade Updates
- Clare
- Faceting for the search results page
- Emily
- Release and visibility sheet, excellent progress ahead with this
- Multiple manual AdminSets need to be created for testing
- There are 20 AdminSets with custom settings
- Clare
- Bootstrap
- Ayoub is going to proceed with more issues relating to broken RSpec test suites, but shall be available for anything urgent as they proceed
- To be drafted
Scheduling Sessions
- Hyrax Batch Edit Review/Design-a-thon
- (Thursday, May 19) at 3pm Eastern
- https://iu.zoom.us/j/81955850246?pwd=NUVnSk9tVG1EZEJhclZGbWVVeEJVZz09
- (To be added)