Wrap-up Meeting for May 2022 Developer Congress
Wrap-up Meeting for May 2022 Developer Congress
Date: May 20, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM PDT/03:00 PM EDT
Zoom URL: https://iu.zoom.us/j/88944228014?pwd=WGFBVktDU044blp5UVYxQ0xsU1NSZz09
Session Updates
Hyrax Blacklight 7/Bootstrap Upgrades
- Participants
- Julie Hardesty
- Bradley Watson
- Emily Porter
- Clare Barton
- Rebekah Kati
- Daniel Pierce
- Alex Zotov
- Ayoub Belemlih
- Notes
- Pull Requests are open for certain direct branches
- Rails 6 branch itself
- Rails 6
- Ensuring that the build process goes more smoothly
- Clarifying Class names in the application
- Serious bug discovered for PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap Upgrade
- collection_spec failures are fully resolved!
- QA/Testing Updates
- Feature testing directly translated into CSS bugs
- There were some which were resolved immediately
- Labeled
issues are still outlying - Entire feature test on a local build is a lot more intensive than a deployed instance like nurax-dev
- However, it was successfully achieved!
- Pull Requests are open for certain direct branches
- Next Steps
- Hyrax Maintenance WG is continuing the labor next week
- This will incorporate the progress in the Rails 6 upgrade achievements
- There may also be some additional UI labor which is available for further assistance with UI cleanup and styling
- Release Management
- Integrating the Rails 6 upgrade next week would then lead to release candidates or beta releases
- Hyrax Maintenance WG is continuing the labor next week
Hyrax CircleCI Upgrade Updates
- Participants
- Daniel Pierce
- Notes
- Hyrax needed base images updated to the new CircleCI Docker Images (cimg)
- This involved dropping support for EOL Ruby releases
- Realistically, Hyrax should require 2.7 or later
- Next Steps
- Supporting CircleCI and JavaScript tests are still outstanding
- Docker Container for Karma can load the Jasmine JavaScript tests
- The fixture files still need to be accessed
- This will continue to be advanced next week
- Supporting CircleCI and JavaScript tests are still outstanding
Samvera Maintenance Gem Management CLI
- Participants
- Notes
- Next Steps
- RuboCop
- samvera-labs
Other Sessions
- Hyrax Batch Edit Review/Design-a-thon
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1T4Jl0zf3lg69cntvIX2x_w5KBLY5pMi4jzsq874TBG8/edit?usp=sharing
- taking this to Hyrax Interest Group/Samvera Community next for feedback
- Julie Hardesty and Rebekah Kati
- Wireframing work has been undertaken in the past, but this is far more advanced for this Congress
Proposal: Perhaps have this completed following the wrap-up meeting?
- Plus (Beneficial)
- (To be completed following the Zoom Meeting)
- James runs a smooth Dev Congress!
- A lot of effort going into testing and addressing issues for BL7/Bootstrap4/Rails6 upgrade
- Great event "templating" that lets everyone plug into different things while staying connected throughout the week
- The ability to focus on a critical need was very useful (Blacklight/Bootstrap/Rails 6)
- Good mix of participants with different skill sets
- New docker-based/dassie local environment setup is really easy
- Delta (Detrimental)
- For one week, we had too many topics to really dig into
- Working through all the feature tests locally is very time consuming because there are many pre-requisite assets that need to be manually created. It would be great if we could "seed" those critical assets into dassie.
- Nurax-dev was having issues this week (important for comparison testing), and roles and responsibilities there are unclear
, multiple selections available,
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