2022-04-27 Meeting notes


2022 organizing group folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B_VvaK427XViklFU6cusg28oS5vvNe05?usp=sharing


Apr 27, 2022


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Veronica Robinson

  • Amanda Foster


  • Assign remaining tasks

    • Hosts each day

      • Day One: Heather

      • Day Two: Kevin

    • Slack coverage each day – reminder in the connect channel before each start

      • Keep an eye on conversations

    • Update slide decks from last year https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_l1RQgHruBuqo8_NTXf5hkYMk3ZioWMt?usp=sharing

      • Amanda will have a first pass at updating

    • Send presenter access URLs - @Heather Greer Klein

    • Reminder email on Monday - @Heather Greer Klein

      • Reminder to register; as of 4/27 we’re at 90

    • Short end of conference attendee survey – we haven’t changed much in a while, should try for some feedback

      • @Veronica Robinson will draft questions (@Kevin Kochanski share previous Connect survey questions)

 Discussion topics


 Action items

Kevin to share old feedback questionnaires with Veronica
Veronica to draft new feedback questionnaire
Amanda to update Day One and Day Two slides
Heather to send Presenter URLs
Heather to send Monday reminder
