Topic List - Developer Congress November 29th - December 3rd, 2021

Topic List - Developer Congress November 29th - December 3rd, 2021

Topic suggestions for work during the November 2021 Developer Congress.  Please follow checklist below for submitting your proposed topic.  If your topic has related github issues they can be added to the Developer Congress Project Issue Board on the first day of the Congress.

Proposing Topics

You can...

  • add a topic to the table of proposed topics below

  • identify yourself as a facilitator for a topic you propose, or a topic proposed by others (See Facilitator Guide below.)

  • indicate your interest in one or more topics



Links (to issues, branches, documentation, etc)

Time Estimate (For example: 3hrs, (2) 8hr days, etc.)

Proposed By


Add your name to this column if interested in this topic



Links (to issues, branches, documentation, etc)

Time Estimate (For example: 3hrs, (2) 8hr days, etc.)

Proposed By


Add your name to this column if interested in this topic

Update Hyrax Install Documentation

Review Hyrax installation instructions/READMEs for current version of Hyrax (3.1.0) and continue clean-up and clarification work


Developing Your Hyrax-based Application

Running Hyrax-based application in local VM

Wednesday, Dec 1, starting 9am Eastern (join when you can): Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

2-3 hours

@Juliet Hardesty

@Juliet Hardesty

@Jon Cameron

@Daniel Pierce

Hyrax-valkyrization testing

Help test nurax-pg which is a Hyrax application using a postgres valkyrie adapter.

nurax-pg app

MVP issues

All the time that is available.

@Lynette Rayle

@Lynette Rayle

@Rebekah Kati
@Michael Johnson

@Heather Greer Klein

Hyrax-valkyrization coding and bug fixes

Help address issues uncovered by the testing process.

hyrax main branch

nurax-pg app

All the time that is available.

@Lynette Rayle

@Lynette Rayle

@Chris Colvard

Samvera introductory technology documentation refinement

Help review and re-write introductory materials for developers

Will review Samvera.org and wiki pages in need of a refresh and assign based on interest
Pages to update

3-4 hours total; can be done alongside other dev congress work

@Heather Greer Klein

@Heather Greer Klein


Hyrax::Ability Hardening

Most samvera apps use CanCanCan to handle authorization for actions throughout the application. Hyrax provides a mixin module (Hyrax::Ability) setting up baseline authorization rules for Hyrax’s feature set.

What does Hyrax::Ability permit/deny and for which users/groups? If you want to find out, you have to read the code. How can apps understand how changes will impact authorization? They can’t. Let’s fix this by documenting, testing, and refactoring Hyrax::Ability with clarity in mind.

Hyrax::Ability todo item.

2 hours of group review of current code & discussion. probably as long as we care to take as individuals or in in pairs/swarms to implement changes.

@tamsin johnson

@tamsin johnson

@Chris Colvard

Hyrax container and chart publishing --- automation edition

Hyrax’s codebase has Dockerfiles and a Helm chart, which are occassionally manually published to the Samvera GitHub OCI registry (ghcr.io).

Publication of these artifacts could and should be automated!

Duration: 0.5 - 1.0 hours

Scheduled: 14:00 PST/17:00 EST on 12/02/2021

@tamsin johnson

@James Griffin

@Chris Colvard
@James Griffin

Rails 6 support

Do a gap analysis to figure out what is left to get all of the core compenents working on rails 6 then do the same for Hyrax. Then do the fun part of doing the work!

Add Rails 6.0.5 Support to Core Components · Issue #28 · samvera/maintenance

As long as people want to work on upgrading core components and Hyrax to Rails 6.

@Chris Colvard

@James Griffin

@Daniel Pierce

Ruby 3 support

Try to get all core components working on ruby 3 or at least make a plan.

Ruby 3.0 support in core components · Issue #64 · samvera/maintenance

0.5-1 day

@Chris Colvard

@James Griffin

@Daniel Pierce

Hyrax Onboarding

Helping anyone who needs it to get Hyrax up and running locally (probably via Docker).

hyrax/CONTAINERS.md at main · samvera/hyrax

Friday, Dec 3, 2pm Eastern: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

2-3 hours

@Juliet Hardesty

Samvera gem ownership

How do we manage gem ownership in the community? Linked examples show many owners, not all of them part of the community anymore.



Thursday, Dec 2, 11am-12pm Eastern: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

1 hour

@Juliet Hardesty

@Juliet Hardesty

@James Griffin

@Daniel Pierce

CircleCI build image update

CircleCI is deprecating it’s circleci/* images at the end of this year. This should be a fairly easy change in the samvera orb but we’ll probably need to upgrade core components to use the 1.x version of the orb.

CircleCI Developer - Images

Investigate using Circle's `cimg` docker images · Issue #43 · samvera/samvera-circleci-orb

2 hours

@Chris Colvard

@James Griffin

@James Griffin


Facilitator Guide

Propose or claim a topic in the Proposed Topics table above

You will be asked to introduce your topic with a brief summary (minute or less) during the kick off meeting

Contributor Resources

Goal of this checklist is to enable leaders of specific issues to be able to collect resources for those interested in contributing; aiming to provide a shared knowledge base before beginning the work together.  While optional, if you're facilitating a topic we recommend you provide these resources to attendees ahead of time:

Prepare zoom link or slack room link that will be used for contributors to gather
Prepare short list of languages the work will be coded in
Prepare list of any tutorials a contributor can complete to familiarize themselves with the work ahead
If similar work has occurred in other repositories please include links to those repositories as well

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