Automating Hyrax Container and Helm Chart Publishing
Date: 12/02/2021
Time: 14:00 PST/17:00 EST
Zoom URL: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
@tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
@Alexandra Dunn (UC Santa Barbara)
@James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
Hyrax Containers
Kubernetes (k8s)
Many Containers, there is a need to configure these into a set of services which can interface/communicate
Typically, the architecture is oriented towards running one (or a limited number of processes) per container
Hence, a Rails application runs in one container, a key/value store in another container, Solr in another container…
This is similar to Docker Compose, but at a much larger scale, with an extensive API for clients to query or update
API provides users to declare and set the state of the entire system of Containers
Helm Charts for Hyrax
Package manager for k8s
Essentially, k8s will take a set of YAML files to define the state of the cluster of the containers
As such, Helm provides a templating language/domain-specific language (with variables) for describing the state of the container cluster
The actual application code within the container, then, can be set
(e. g. setting the version of Solr, or certain customizations, etc.)
A repeatable pattern for deploying many Hyrax applications
Container Registries
Open Container Initiative (OCI) artifact registry
Artifacts can be container images, but also, other binaries (e. g. software binaries)
Providing authentication is supported
UCSB and UCSD have had experience sharing a registry
Helm charts permit one to define the images deployed, the ports exposed, and the network topology (to some extent)
k8s itself manages the pulling of the container images and manages the resources used to provision the container
Hence, k8s needs to be able to access the credentials required to query and pull the container registry
Registry can serve as a repository for other artifacts, including Helm Charts
This is experimentally supported at the moment
With a generalized registry, there can also be Ruby Gems, etc.
GitHub is taking this approach
GitHub Packages
Question: Credentials need to be provided to CircleCI in order to explore pushing to the Container registry
With an auth. token present, one needs to be mindful of there needs to be some QA involved if pushing the image is in direct response to merging to
It is definitely not sustainable to have it remain a burden on one person
Additionally, having a small group isn’t the ideal approach, given the human coordination involved
Alternative approach
Perhaps another system can be used?
For example, if there were a cronjob running on a server, where a k8s server had credentials would check synchronously to determine if there were any updates to the Helm Chart
For Samvera, this would be a daily or hourly check
One example:
Action Items for Hyrax
with a datestamp (by following the CircleCI approach) would still provide some automationCircleCI can also then trigger updates for Helm Charts on a
git tag
rather than a merge or pull requestJames can test being granted the permissions to publish the Helm Charts and Docker images
Next Steps
Even with just the image push in CircleCI, this would be very helpful
Just getting this configured so that this can run within Circle is something James can address
@James Griffin can provide a pull request with some feedback regarding any difficulties
Meeting adjourned at 14:52 PST/17:52 EST