Scope & Objectives

This group is interested in working together to make recommendations for creating and maintaining URIs that are necessary for Samvera community projects to express appropriate RDF properties and property values. This group is a working group of the Samvera Metadata Interest Group and is considering use cases from requests and questions documented on the Metadata IG Requests and Priorities. Examples of properties that might require minting new URIs include the following:

Deliverables & Timeframe

The initial goals of the group are:

Survey findings, decision tree, and functional requirements to be delivered by Hydra Connect 2016

Working Group Final Report:  URIMgmtWGFinalReport.pdf

Functional Requirements:  SamveraVocabManagerFunctionalRequirements.pdf 

Predicate Decision Tree (current version maintained by the  URI Selection Working Group)

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

This working group has finished its work, and is no longer meeting.

Every 2 weeks on Tuesdays, 3-4pm Eastern, starting 2016-05-31

Connection info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025

Communication will take place on Samvera-Tech mailing list and Slack #metadata channel.



Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
W3C Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies
5-star Open Data
LDCX 2016, Management of Community URIs, session notes
Charter development meeting - URI Management WG

Working Drafts

Functional requirements for a Samvera community vocabulary manager (preliminary set of requirements open for comment)

Meeting Notes