Samvera Tech Call 2019-03-06

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Meeting ID: 613 720 745

+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
+1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
International numbers available:


Meeting ID: 613 720 745 (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)


Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Moderator: tamsin johnson

Notetaker: James Griffin



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    1. folks outside North and South America

    2. Eastern timezone

    3. Central timezone

    4. Mountain timezone

    5. Pacific timezone

    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    7. Remind everyone to sign in on agenda.
    8. Welcome all newcomers!
  2. Agenda (moderator)
    1. Call for new agenda items (moderator)
    2. Rails 5.2 support (Chris Colvard (Deactivated))
    3. Questioning Authority nearing a major release (Lynette Rayle )
      1. Need help with review of...  pull #210 - Replace URI.escape with ERB::Util.url_encode
      2. Documentation moved to wiki:
    4. Universal Viewer: Princeton aren't using/maintaining pul_uv_rails and pul/universal_viewer any longer. It is out of date (see hyrax#3232) and I've identified a bug with MS Edge (see pul_uv_rails/12)
    5. Speaking of checking for Rails 5.2 support of core components, Randall Floyd still needs technical assistance transferring ownership of LDP from Carrick R.
    6. Coveralls slow? (Lynette Rayle )
  3. Moderator & notetaker for next time
    1. Moderator:
    2. Notetaker:
  4. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
    1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2019-xx-xx"

    2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
    3. Popup will open for location. It should contain: 
      1. Space: Samvera
      2. Parent page: 2019
    4. Select copy. New page should be created.
    5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish.
  5. PR Review
    1. Review issues:
    2. PR review coordinator for next time: 


Rails 5.2 Support (Chris Colvard)

  • Audited the Gems which needed to be updated
  • Began working on updates and publishing Gems
  • Planning to issue an announcement on the tech. mailing list
  • AF 12.1.0 was released (with Rails 5.2 support)
  • Then, just a matter of walking back
  • hydra-pcdm, hydra-works, and that might be enough to permit testing for Hyrax
  • hydra-head had an issue with AF 12.1.0 (but this is likely related to an updated Solr Schema)
  • Call for community members of testing Hyrax against Rails 5.2
  • Tom will be looking to update the build matrix

Questioning Authority (Lynette Rayle)

  • Going to release this very soon
  • Major release: significant refactoring of the linked data module
  • Better separation of Classes in the Gem
  • New feature: extended context with the linked data module
  • There are configurations which drive the linked data, URI, Label, and context presented to the user in the UI (to permit them to make better selections)
  • README was becoming really difficult to navigate
  • New documentation was published in the form of the Wiki (please see
  • Also tried to address many issues on the repository
  • pull #210 : Call for testing from anyone uses an authority with unusual characters in the query (this only affects search)
  • This will be tested against Hyrax before the release goes out
  • Public API (methods): LinkedData Module has changed slightly, but everything else is backward-compatible

Universal Viewer (Julie Allinson)

  • Microsoft Edge issue is breaking the pul_uv_rails
  • James from Princeton is going to be contributing to active maintenance of this Gem (as Princeton still uses it)
  • Will turn their focus to this issue, as Princeton needs to update the Gem for other requirements
  • Tom: There is a long-standing item to remove the dependency of Hyrax on this Gem
  • It's preferred to have an alternative which is used more actively by Samvera developers
  • At some point, this will still be yanked
  • Adam: If Hyrax used Webpack, this might also provide a solution to this
  • There is a version 3 branch for the UV, but it has not been released
  • Tom: Agrees with the Webpack-based approach as being desirable
  • Chris: Hyrax 2.4 should permit that one should able to choose a viewer by overriding a partial and using Webpack for the JavaScript dependency

Transferring LDP Gem Ownership (Randall Floyd)

  • Core Components Maintenance WG needs to assist with the transfer of this Gem to Randall
  • Need to ensure that Rails 5.2 support is provided for this Gem
  • Tom: Added this to the agenda for the CCMWG
  • There is a meeting scheduled for this WG on Friday
  • Randall is unavailable, but this will be on the agenda

Coveralls Delays (Lynette Rayle):

  • Reporting from the Coveralls service has been very slow (hours)
  • Adam: This seems to occur infrequently, but it has occurred before
  • Julie: Confirms that this has been observed
  • Adam: PSU started using CodeClimate
  • Has the ability to submit multiple builds for code coverage analysis, along with ABC and cyclomatic complexity analysis
  • CodeClimate is only free for open source repositories
  • Chris: Avalon is using CodeClimate now

Volunteers for the Next Call:

Moderator: Julie

Notetaker: James

Call concluded at 09:24 PST/12:24 EST

Hyrax Pull Request Review


  • Chris Colvard
  • Tom Johnson
  • Gordon Leacock
  • Randall Floyd


  • Transaction PR was just closed
  • If CircleCI is settled, we can run through the backports
  • There is still an issue with the RemoteFiles-related flapping bug
  • Tom: Did we revert the change which introduced that?
  • Chris: We were still undecided
  • Interested in getting feedback from Michael Klein
  • Tom needed to leave early, needed to prepare to Hyrax/Valkyrie sprints next week
  • Gordon needed to leave as well
  • Reviewing i18n PRs are the only which seem actionable
  • These were stuck with build issues
  • 3541: Will be reinvestigated
  • 3555: Adam Arling responded and confirmed that the usage of jQuery was acceptable
  • It required a rebase
  • Leave the Hyrax/Wings PR for the sprint next week
  • 3560: Reset Rake Task
  • Justin Coyne reviewed this and recommended some changes
  • 3472: Chris will rebase that pull request

Hyrax Pull Request Session concluded at 09:36PST/12:36 EST