Samvera Tech Call 2019-01-30

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Meeting ID: 613 720 745

+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
+1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
International numbers available:


Meeting ID: 613 720 745 (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)


Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Moderator: cam156

Notetaker: James Griffin



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    1. folks outside North and South America

    2. Eastern timezone

    3. Central timezone

    4. Mountain timezone

    5. Pacific timezone

    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    7. Remind everyone to sign in on agenda.
    8. Welcome all newcomers!
  2. Agenda (moderator)
    1. Call for new agenda items (moderator)
    2. PSU Dev Sprint (Tom)
    3. add agenda item here
  3. Moderator & notetaker for next time
    1. Moderator: Andrew Myers
    2. Notetaker: TBD
  4. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
    1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2019-xx-xx"

    2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
    3. Popup will open for location. It should contain: 
      1. Space: Samvera
      2. Parent page: 2019
    4. Select copy. New page should be created.
    5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish.
  5. PR Review
    1. Review issues:
    2. PR review coordinator for next time: 


  • Samvera Dev. Congress (hosted by the Penn State University)
    • Starting on Monday morning, the Dev. Congress is involved in a sprint focusing upon Hyrax on Wings (Hyrax to Valkyrie integration)
  • There is active development for an adapter which makes it possible to use Valkyrie resources which save them through Active Fedora
    • This involves placing some code sitting between existing Valkyrie and Active Fedora classes which permit the casting of Valkyrie resources to AF resources
    • This also involves strategically switching out of persistence methods from AF to Valkyrie methods
  • There are PRs which are open now for Hyrax
    • Some additional PRs might be issued, or there might be some work focused around a Gem which has been the focus of others during the sprint
  • There are also those who have been focusing upon increasing the efficiency of the test suites for Hyrax
  • The objective is to merge these PRs on Friday
  • There will be follow-up sprints based upon this work
    • For those interested in participating, please contact steve van tuyl or Tom Johnson


  • Link provided from Trey outlining some recommendations for integrating Valkyrie (including the usage an alternative Mapper interface)
  • Drew: Is there a concrete scope for this sprint for non-technical stakeholders?
    • You as a Hyrax adopter will not see an immediate change, but the outcome is that we have next steps which are laid out for sprint groups in the future for moving Hyrax forward
    • For example, a #save call at the bottom of the Actor Stack might shift to a Valkyrie method call
    • Adopters would see these efforts culminate in a straight refactor
    • If we release a Gem for the base code containing some of this ongoing work, it might just be simply involve including the Gem dependency
    • Otherwise, it will be merged to "master" in preparation for a 3.0 release
  • Drew: Regarding the Actor Stack, will it be replaced or left intact?
    • Tom: It will remain intact, the code for its replacement is still being developed, but this is work which is not directly blocking any integration of Valkyrie

Drew Myers volunteered to moderate for the next meeting

Notetaker: TBD

Meeting adjourned at 09:10PST/12:10 EST