Regional Hydra - Unconference

Regional Hydra - Unconference


Regional Hydra Groups


  • Develop Regional Hydra Meetings

  • How to communicate out to the larger Hydra community

  • The Hydra community is too large to hold frequent meetings.


  1. How can we establish a pattern of regional meetings that doesnā€™t fragment the community?

  2. There are separate/regional Fedora meetings. Should those be separate? Should there be a convergence there?

  3. What are we looking to get out of regional meetings?

  4. What do we want people to share?


  • Resource Sharing / Regional Development:

  • Easier development of shared solutions, collaborative development

  • Place developer at another institution for a week or two, learn workflow, management, coding. Developer exchange. More of a micro-level development

  • Regional allows focus on potentially local policy/open access issues (relevant for UK)

  • Regional allows for more dedicated time for discussing and walking through problems, code, etc.

  • Opportunity for training

  • Engagement with metadata analysts, other potential adopters and consultants (local Ruby/Rails groups)


  • Regional Ruby/Rails/Drupal meetings:

    • Bring in luminaries from community and have groups such as ConFreaks film the presentations.

    • Presentations are them posted and spread online

  • Drupal organization provides guidelines for hosting meetings, communicating out, etc.


  • A single news channel would be helpful.

  • There is a gap between hydra-tech (immediate technical questions) and hydra monthly reports.

    • What are people currently working on?

    • Are we solving the same problems at the same time?

  • Would a blog aggregator be more helpful than messages on a list. Just like Ruby 5

  • People may feel more comfortable sharing day-to-day progress via in aggregator, as it would be a less ā€˜officialā€™ channel

Potential Regional Groups

  • Ohio

  • UK

  • West Coast (UCs, Stanford, Oregon)

  • Mid-Atlantic

  • NE

Action items

  • 1 page on organizing a regional meetingsĀ (Karen and Richard)
  • Identify the regions and partner/adopters within regions (self-identify by asking community)
  • Identify a local for Regional Groups on the Wiki (Karen)