Regional Hydra - Unconference
Regional Hydra Groups
Develop Regional Hydra Meetings
How to communicate out to the larger Hydra community
The Hydra community is too large to hold frequent meetings.
How can we establish a pattern of regional meetings that doesn’t fragment the community?
There are separate/regional Fedora meetings. Should those be separate? Should there be a convergence there?
What are we looking to get out of regional meetings?
What do we want people to share?
Resource Sharing / Regional Development:
Easier development of shared solutions, collaborative development
Place developer at another institution for a week or two, learn workflow, management, coding. Developer exchange. More of a micro-level development
Regional allows focus on potentially local policy/open access issues (relevant for UK)
Regional allows for more dedicated time for discussing and walking through problems, code, etc.
Opportunity for training
Engagement with metadata analysts, other potential adopters and consultants (local Ruby/Rails groups)
Regional Ruby/Rails/Drupal meetings:
Bring in luminaries from community and have groups such as ConFreaks film the presentations.
Presentations are them posted and spread online
Drupal organization provides guidelines for hosting meetings, communicating out, etc.
A single news channel would be helpful.
There is a gap between hydra-tech (immediate technical questions) and hydra monthly reports.
What are people currently working on?
Are we solving the same problems at the same time?
Would a blog aggregator be more helpful than messages on a list. Just like Ruby 5
People may feel more comfortable sharing day-to-day progress via in aggregator, as it would be a less ‘official’ channel
Potential Regional Groups
West Coast (UCs, Stanford, Oregon)
Action items
- 1 page on organizing a regional meetings (Karen and Richard)
- Identify the regions and partner/adopters within regions (self-identify by asking community)
- Identify a local for Regional Groups on the Wiki (Karen)