Hydra Connect 2016 - Room Captains Information

Hydra Connect 2016 - Room Captains Information

See the Hydra Connect Volunteers page for information on shift times.

If you need to cancel or amend your schedule, contact Eben English (eenglish [at] bpl [dot] org).

As a room captain, your duties are fairly simple:

1. Get yourself where you need to be
Please familiarize yourself with the map of BPL showing conference room locations. Plan on being at your assigned room 10 minutes before the session starts.

2. Check badges at entry
Since the BPL is open to the public, there's a possibility that non-conference folks may try to enter or occupy the rooms reserved for the conference. Before the session starts, you'll need to station yourself either outside or just inside the room and check badges as people walk in.

Once the session begins, you can sit just inside the door and check badges of any stragglers. Each room is set with the maximum number of chairs permissible. BPL will not allow standing room during sessions. If additional conference attendees arrive, politely suggest they attend another session.

If non-conference folks are trying to enter, politely inform them that the room has been reserved for a private event. If that doesn't work, proceed to "Security" below.

2. Act as a first point of triage for troubleshooting
You are NOT expected to solve any problems that arise, but rather to assess the situation and alert the people who can deal with the issue.

There are a couple different areas where issues might come up:

There will be a representative from BPL Events/Catering at the registration desk at all times during the conference. When in doubt, use them as a first point of contact.