2023 Samvera Board Special Election

2023 Samvera Board Special Election

The Samvera Board is holding a special election to fill the seat most recently held by Rosalyn Metz, who is stepping away before the end of her current term after serving the Community and leading us through many important milestones.

Samvera Board membership provides a unique opportunity for community leadership and to provide direction to a key effort in the future of memory institutions.

The list of current Samvera Board members and their terms of office can be found here.

We have one nominee for the special election:

Robin Ruggaber

University of Virginia Library, Director for Strategic Technology Partnerships & Initiatives

At the University of Virginia (UVA), I work as the Director for Strategic Technology Partnerships & Initiatives within the Library. This position affords me the time and opportunity to work at an international level with community driven open source, preservation, accessibility, open access initiatives. I also work across my institution and within my organization as a technology advisor, consultant, project manager, and a mentor. I have 29 years working in technology at UVA with 20 years in IT management. The UVA Library was a founding member of Samvera and in 2010, I began working with the Library to leverage Samvera to build our first institution repository. Within Samvera, I have served in governance (2011-2019), community building, training, worked to establish the interest group/working group framework, and worked within that framework to further the community’s priority work. I think the community is at an inflection point and I am excited about the opportunity to work with the community and the board to take the community and the technology to the next level.

Terms of Office

The elected party will serve for the seat’s remaining three year period, ending December 31st, 2025, and will be eligible for re-election.

Responsibilities of the Samvera Board

Those considering running for the Board should review, and have the support of their institution for, fiscal and time commitments related to the role.  See Samvera Elections for full details of the responsibilities of the Board.

Requirements for Nomination

  • Nominees must be employed with a Samvera Partner organization in good standing.  

  • Nominees must provide a Statement of Purpose describing:

    • Relevant Experience

    • Reason they wish to serve on the Board

  • Organizations may not have more than one representative on the Board so nominations will not be accepted for individuals at institutions which will already have a Board member.


  • April 3- 30th – Nominations will be accepted. The Community Manager will contact those nominated by a third party to confirm that the nominee will run as a candidate, and will request that candidates submit biographies and Statements of Purpose as soon as possible.

  • May 1st - 15th – Names of candidates will be announced and ballots will be emailed to Partner contacts

  • May 18th – Results announced

  • The New Board member will serve May 18, 2023 - December 31st, 2025.

Questions or Comments?
Please contact Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community Manager, heather@samvera.org

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