Topic List - Developer Congress January 24 -28, 2022

Topic Proposal Checklist


Short Title
Link to Issues, Branches, Documentation, etc.
Duration, estimate how long the session will last (For example: 3hrs, (2) 8hr days, etc.)
Proposed By (Samvera Slack Channel Handle)
Facilitator (Samvera Slack Channel Handle)Ā 


Title: Update ActiveFedora to work on Fedora 5.
Description:Ā We have a branch sitting around that almost gets ActiveFedora working with Fedora 5, we could work together to get this passing.
Duration:Ā  6 hrs
Proposed By: Ā Ā name here
Facilitator:Ā Seeking a facilitator.

NOTE: Put this information in the Proposed Topics table below.

Proposed Topics

You can...

  • add a topic to the table of proposed topics below (See Topic Proposal Checklist and example above for guidance on proposing a topic.)

  • identify yourself as a facilitator for a topic you propose or a topic proposed by others (See Facilitator Guide below.)

  • indicate your interest in one or more topics




Time Estimate

Proposed By


Interested in




Time Estimate

Proposed By


Interested in

Upgrade to Bootstrap 4 in Hyrax

This is a UI-based upgrade that is needed to allow for other dependency upgrades to happen (Rails 6 and Blacklight 7)

2-3 days?

@Juliet Hardesty

@Adam J. Arling

@Mat Jordan

Margaret Kibi

Dananji Withana


Work on getting the MVP operational. The MVP definition is ā€œeach part of the model can be created and edited setting basic metadata, adding a file for works, without throwing an errorā€.

GitHub Project Board

MVP Status Summary


@Lynette Rayle

@Lynette Rayle

@Rebekah Kati (issue testing)

Hyrax Onboarding

Helping anyone who needs it to get Hyrax up and running locally (probably via Docker).

2-3 hours

@Juliet Hardesty

@Juliet Hardesty

VSCode and Hyrax

Using VSCode to develop/debug Hyrax application

Thursday, January 27, 2-3pm Eastern

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

1 hour

@Tao Zhao

@Tao Zhao

Fixing feature tests for docker-compose

With list of tests that are failing, fix them! (See ā€œOutstanding problems not related to the upgradeā€ section of comment)

1 day

@tamsin johnson

@tamsin johnson

Sharing steps for infrastructure maintenance

Tasks to release docker images and package helm chart - previous discussion of automating those things; some work happened to automate this (move to ghcr, for example) but tamsin has manual steps to share and needs to do this soon!

Friday, January 28, 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

1-2 hours

@tamsin johnson

@tamsin johnson

@Juliet Hardesty

Data Seeds Improvement

Use case for Bootstrap testing - would help to have seeded data available to test UI updates

Margaret Kibi

@Michael Johnson

Margaret Kibi

Facilitator Guide

Propose or claim a topic in the Proposed Topics table above

You will be asked to introduce your topic with a brief summary (minuteĀ or less) during the kick off meeting

Contributor Resources

Goal of this checklist is to enable leaders of specific issues to be able to collect resources for those interested in contributing; aiming to provide a shared knowledge base before beginning the work together.Ā  While optional, if you're facilitating a topic we recommend you provide these resources to attendees ahead of time:

Prepare zoom link or slack room link that will be used for contributors to gather
Prepare short list of languages the work will be coded in
Prepare list of any tutorials a contributor can complete to familiarize themselves with the work ahead
If similar work has occurred in other repositories please include links to those repositories as well