Committers Call 2014-06-23

Moderator: Jim Coble (Duke)

Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)


  • Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
  • Michael Klein (Northwestern)
  • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
  • Adam Wead (Penn State)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Lakisha Robinson (Yale)
  • Glen Horton (University of Cincinnati)


  1. Call for additional agenda items
  2. Next Call:
    1. 2014-06-30
    2. Moderator: Adam Wead
    3. Notetaker: Glen Horton
  3. Hydra-head 7.1 release?
    1. Embargo and Leases are being added
    2. Justin will mint 7.1.0 later this week
  4. Sufia 4, what's left?
    1. Penn State continues to push out functionality into Sufia.
    2. System appears stable (Carolyn)
    3. Duke has not encountered issues with 3.7.2 and the changelog does not throw concerns
    4. Multi-editor looks bad (Justin), can we move Curate's multi-editor into Sufia; Not in scope for 4.0 needs of Penn State (Carolyn)
    5. Make milestones for Sufia 4.0 (Justin) others should move in any blockers or tasks for getting to 4.0
  5. How do we get more committers: (e.g. Stanford, Oregon Digital) on this call?
    1. Should we have alternating times?
    2. Crafting an email for hydra-partners and hydra-tech to ask for solutions to the issue of attendence (Carolyn).
  6. Active Fedora 8 update.
    1. Only 5 failing tests at this point. A handful are easy but the remainder are hard, requiring more knowledge of Fedora 4 (Justin).
    2. Beta version of Fedora 4 is in Hydra jetty.
    3. Goal is to have AF8 available for next Hydra Camp (in August).
    4. A call for help to get this over the hump.