Committers Call 2014-08-25

Moderator: Jim Coble (Duke)

Notetaker:  Carolyn Cole (PSU)


  • Adam Wead (PSU)
  • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Lakeshia Robinson (Yale)
  • Glen Horton (UC)
  • Michael Klein (Northwestern)
  • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)


  1. Call for agenda items
    1. None
  2. Sufia 4.0 is out (Adam)
    1. It has been released.  Any questions or comments?
  1. Hydra Labs Home Page: (Carolyn)
    1. Does anyone have anything else that would be useful here?
    2. Jim will go back and look at other items that might be useful to add
    3. Are there other topics under Hydra labs
      1. Jim: what does it mean to review the projects.  A person could nominate their project.
      2. Carolyn: will ask hydra-tech if anyone has a project that is ready 
      3. Browse-Everything could be nominated for the upgrade process
      4. At the conference go over projects and see how close they are 
      5. What the protocol is for adding things to hydra -labs ( Do we need community agreement?)
  2. Next Call
    1. September 8th
    2. Moderator: Carolyn Cole (PSU)
    3. Notetaker:  Jim Coble (Duke)