Hydra Virtual Connect 2016

Hydra Virtual Connect 2016


Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 took place online using Adobe Connect on Thursday, July 7, 2016. 

A recording of the event is now available along with slides from many of the presentations, which are linked from the Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 Program. More slides will be added as they are received from presenters.

What is Hydra Virtual Connect?

Hydra Virtual Connect (HVC) is an opportunity for Hydra Project participants to gather online to touch base on the progress of community efforts at a roughly halfway point between face-to-face Hydra Connect meetings. Hydra is a growing, active community with many initiatives taking place across interest groups, working groups, local and collaborative development projects, and other efforts, and it can be difficult for community members to keep up with all of this activity on a regular basis. HVC will give the Hydra community a chance to come together to catch up on developments, make new connections, and re-energize itself towards Hydra Connect 2016 in Boston in October.

Suggestions for an event such as this have come from a number of members of the Hydra community, and the idea was further discussed and refined at the Hydra Power Steering meeting in March 2016.

When will Hydra Virtual Connect take place?

Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 will take place on Thursday, July 7 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT / 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT / 16:00-19:00 BST / 15:00-18:00 UTC.

As the first virtual meeting of the full Hydra community, HVC 2016 is an experiment. If successful, we hope to continue the pattern of a virtual meeting in future years. The goal would be to plan future events for a date roughly six months prior to the next Hydra Connect conference, so if Hydra Connect 2017 is in October, Hydra Virtual Connect 2017 would be in April. 

Who can participate in Hydra Virtual Connect?

Any institution or individual working with or interested in Hydra is invited to attend. There will be no charge for participation.  

What will be presented at Hydra Virtual Connect?

The Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 Program is now available.

How do I attend Hydra Virtual Connect?

To give us a better sense of how many people will be participating, please sign up to attend using the Sign Up Form. Upon sign up, you will receive details on how to connect to the conference. We will also send the connection details in a reminder e-mail a few days before the conference.

Hydra Virtual Connect will be conducted using Adobe Connect. Community members may attend individually but will be encouraged to gather together at local sites at Hydra institutions around the world to benefit from face-to-face interaction and shared experience. Adobe Connect's chat function will be used to facilitate communication with audience members. 

Adobe Connect requires a current version of Adobe Flash Player, and we suggest using the Google Chrome browser for the best experience. To test your system in advance to make sure it meets hardware and software requirements for Adobe Connect, please visit https://connect.iu.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm

Please note that the Anti-Harassment Policy applies to Hydra Virtual Connect.

How will Hydra Virtual Connect be structured?

HVC will consist of short-to-medium length presentations by members of the Hydra community that are of general interest to the community – similar to the plenary sessions on the first day of Hydra Connect. These presentations will be of two types:

  • Presenters/presentations invited by the HVC 2016 Program Committee (primarily drawn from Hydra-related OR2016 presentations)

  • “Virtual lightning talks” from IG/WG chairs and other members of the Hydra community

 Due to limitations of online meeting technologies and time zones, unlike Hydra Connect, HVC 2016 will not include individual interest group, working group, and breakout sessions.

I can't make it. Will Hydra Virtual Connect be recorded for later viewing?

Yes, Hydra Virtual Connect will be recorded through Adobe Connect, and information on how to view the recording will be sent out to the Hydra email lists and posted here after the event.

How can I propose a lightning talk?

We are seeking submissions for ten minute lightning talks at Hydra Virtual Connect 2016. Topics can be on anything relevant to the wider Hydra community, but we are particularly interested in updates from Working Group and Interest Group chairs. Please provide a short abstract on your proposed talk via the Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 - Call for Submissions by Friday, June 3.

What if I have other questions?

Please post your questions to the hydra-community list, or contact a member of the Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 program committee:

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