2024-02-12 Meeting notes

Zoom Link



  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Rebekah Kati

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Rob Kaufman

  • @Jon Cameron


Regrets: @Alexandra Dunn

Facilitator: Heather

Notetaker: Heather

 Discussion topics





Project/platform updates? Dependancies?

Hyrax MWG starts up next week. Still working on the Hyrax app generation process, taking longer than anticipated. Struggling with Docker compose; Rob will check in with Daniel about this.

Metadata group doing an accessibility roundtable focused on remediation on the 27th

Avalon release expected next week. Avalon should be up to WCAG AA compliant.


SoftServ process going well, big piece left is when moving files to active Fedora to Postgres and this is going well. Lots of individual PRs from Jeremy. Adapters PRs and work to make it work more like active record. Very close. Rob will check in with Daniel about app generation process.


Content-updates Signaling and Alerting Protocol (CUSAP)

Who would be the right person to meet with this representative? “I am working on a project with the leading STM publishers, called Content-updates Signaling and Alerting Protocol (CUSAP). The publishers want to establish a method to alert repositories when published content has been changed, e.g. retractions, errata etc. I am speaking with stakeholders to learn about how such a capability could be brought forward. I would like to understand how Samvera could support this on behalf of its users.”


Heather will send a message to Paul Walk to check if this is similar to core. Repositories Management group might have someone with opinions.

Additional Items?

Browser stack has an accessibility testing tool. Free for open source! Heather will fill out their form.

Google Analytics work - just the adapter piece, there is an interface already available.

 Action items

Avalon rep on Hyrax F6 Working Group!
