2023 Samvera Board Special Election (Summer)

2023 Samvera Board Special Election (Summer)

The Samvera Board is holding a special election to fill the seat most recently held by Harriett Green, who has accepted a new position at a non-Partner institution. Thank you Harriett for all your thoughtful work on the Samvera Board.

Samvera Board membership provides a unique opportunity for community leadership and to provide direction to a key effort in the future of memory institutions.

The list of current Samvera Board members and their terms of office can be found here.

There is one nominee for this election:

Karen Cariani, GBH Archives

I have been a member of the Samvera Community since the days of Hydra, and active in various committees over that time.  The GBH Archive has been developing and using a Samvera solution, mostly home grown, but also Avalon, for about 10 years to manage an audio-visual collection.  I fully believe that community support, communication, and collaboration, even if it is not for a pre-described, pre-packaged software code solution, is important for cultural institutions.  Sharing needs, solutions, successes and failures are all critical to moving open source solutions forward.  I see the Samvera community embracing the shared knowledge and goals, and some software, as the primary focus of what is Samvera.  I look forward to using my past collaborative spirit to help the Samvera community move forward.


  • July 10th - 31st – Nominations will be accepted. The Community Manager will contact those nominated by a third party to confirm that the nominee will run as a candidate, and will request that candidates submit biographies and Statements of Purpose as soon as possible.

  • August 3rd - 17th – Names of candidates will be announced and ballots will be emailed to Partner contacts

  • August 18th – Results announced

  • The New Board member will serve August 18th, 2023 - December 31st, 2024.

Questions or Comments?
Please contact Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community Manager, heather@samvera.org

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