2023 Samvera Board Election

2023 Samvera Board Election

The Samvera Board announces its annual election for members to serve the 2023-2026 terms.

This year’s election cycle is for the three seats currently held by Carolyn Caizzi, Hannah Frost, and Simeon Warner. All three members are free to stand for election to a further three year term.

This election will also include the remaining 2 year term of the seat vacated by Nabeela Jaffer. The runner-up to the election will be seated for the two year term.

The list of current Samvera Board members and their terms of office can be found here.

View candidate statements for this election.

Terms of Office

The elected parties will serve for a three year period, January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2026.  If a successful candidate is not already a member of the Samvera Board the seat is eligible for re-election for a subsequent three year term, should the seat-holder choose to run again in 2026.  Board members may not serve more than two contiguous terms.

Membership of the Samvera Board provides a unique opportunity for community leadership and to provide direction to a key effort in the future of memory institutions.  

Responsibilities of the Samvera Board

Those considering running for the Board should review, and have the support of their institution for, fiscal and time commitments related to the role.  See Samvera Elections for full details of the responsibilities of the Board.

Requirements for Nomination

  • Nominees must be employed with a Samvera Partner organization in good standing.  

  • Nominees must provide a Statement of Purpose describing:

    • Relevant Experience

    • Reason they wish to serve on the Board

  • Organizations may not have more than one representative on the Board so nominations will not be accepted for individuals at institutions which already have an existing Board member serving in 2023 (Emory University, Princeton University, Tufts University, University of Michigan, University of Utah, Washington University St. Louis). If more than one candidate is nominated from a 'new' institution, the Community Manager will contact the nominees; the nominees will then need to decide which candidate will run.


  • September 20th - October 21st – Nominations will be accepted. The Community Manager will contact those nominated by a third party to confirm that the nominee will run as a candidate. 

  • October 24th - November 4th – Candidates submit biographies and Statements of Purpose

  • November 7th – Names of candidates will be announced and ballots will be emailed to Partner contacts

  • December 6th - Results announced

Questions or Comments?
Please contact Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community Manager, heather@samvera.org

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