2022-07-08 Partner Call




Samvera Partners Call

Friday, July 8th, 2022

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Passcode: 603236
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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Alicia Morris



  • @Robin Lindley Ruggaber University of Virginia

  • @Tim Lepczyk WGBH

  • @Ellen Ramsey University of Virginia

  • @Thomas Scherz University of Cincinnati

  • @Chris Awre University of Hull

  • @Rachel Lynn DCE

  • @Stuart Kenny Digital Repository of Ireland

  • @Jon Dunn Indiana University

  • @Kirsten Leonard PALNI/PALCI Hyku for Consortia

  • @Rick Johnson University of Notre Dame

  • @Alicia Morris Tufts University

  • @Alberto Martinez El Colegio de Mexico

  • @Esmé Cowles

  • @david.schober

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Margaret Mellinger

  • @Nora Zimmerman

  • @Karen Cariani

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Update: Advancing Hyku End of Grant status in context of ongoing Hyku Community collaborations

    1. https://youtu.be/vkXliwesFAQ

    2. Advancing Hyku Adoption Path Chart and Gobstopper (Slide 15)

    3. Hyku Community Roadmap

    4. Hyku Community Update from Samvera Virtual Connect 2022

Can review Short update at Samvera Connect as well as Community Update.

Hyku 4 has been released

Much of what group wanted to accomplish is there, but may not be easy to find. Look at the shared group roadmap for additional information

Questions to consider by Partners

  • Continued maintenance

  • Continued dev calls - folks from ubiquity have left - needs leadership. Dev calls are continuing, but need additional folks.

  • What else needs to come up on the shared roadmap? - what needs updating? - what can come off?

  • Proposal to Lyrasis Catalyst program was not funded

    • What does that mean in terms of UVA’s contribution for Hyku

  • Robin Ruggaber: Does Hyku as a project intend to adopt Fedora 6? If so, when?

    • Hyku will support Fedora 6 as soon as Hyrax does

  • Need a diversity of service providers to support expectation that need will grow

  • Ease with which features in Hyku can be implemented in Hyrax

    • Understanding is that anything in Hyku is in Hyrax, but comparing features would be a worthwhile exercise. Anything in blue circle in Adoption path can be used in Hyrax, Add ons would take some work.

3. Update on the Research Data Working Group - Esme Cowles

Call for participation went out - looking for broad participation from interested parties. Intention is to get it going before Samvera Connect in the FAll

  1. Update on ITAV pilot project next activities

    1. Technology activity scheduled for August 10th

There will be a report out at Connect and looking to identify next steps at Partner meetings

  1. Hyrax 4 beta release - Now Out!

    1. We invite you to try out this beta release, give us feedback, and help us finish the last remaining outstanding issues to finalize this release. We are also developing upgrade steps and recommendations and welcome input based on your experience trying an upgrade from Hyrax 3.x to 4: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/wiki/Upgrade-Hyrax-3.x-to-Hyrax-4

    2. Small HMWG will be working for two weeks starting next week; feedback and help with outstanding issues will go a long way to moving out of beta.

Please provide feedback in getting Hyrax to final release

  1. Other Updates:

    1. New Hyrax Tech Lead, Daniel Pierce, IU; Hyrax PO - Rebekah Kati, UNC-CH; Valkyrie PO - Alex Dunn, UCSB

    2. Connect 2023 Host institution still needed – See Richard’s hosting details. Previous locations:

      1. 2014 Stanford

      2. 2015 Minneapolis

      3. 2016 Boston

      4. 2017 Northwestern

      5. 2018 University of Utah

      6. 2019 Washington University in St. Louis

    3. Tech call July 13th – discussion of a new approach to Components Maintenance

    4. Hyrax 4 beta release and next steps

    5. Hyrax Valkyrization work needs a community sprint to move forward

      1. HMWG looking to lead a community sprint; considering August 8th - 19th or September 6th - 16th

    6. Register for Samvera Connect by Aug 1 for early bird price!

      1. New TShirt design selected!

    7. Samvera Connect CFP – submit by August 8th

      1. Will be an in person conference - not Hybrid

    8. Nominations open for Julie Allinson Award - please nominate a colleague

  2. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

  3. Date of next call: August 12th - looking for demo

  4. Notetaker for August call: Esme Cowles - Thank you!