2024-02-09 Partner Call

Samvera Partners Call

Friday, February 9th, 2024

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 819 7331 3501
Passcode: 603236
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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community calls to be fun, informative, engaging events for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Karen Cariani


  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Robin Ruggaber (UVA, traveling)

  • @John Weise

  • @Emily Lynema

  • @Daniel Pierce

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Chris Awre

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Collin Brittle

  • @Stuart Kenny

  • @Emily Lynema

  • Brian McBride

  • Dan Coughlin

  • @Jon Dunn

  • @Glen Horton

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda?  

    1. no new items

  2. Slack Connect feature - proposal for restricting to Partners

    1. Slack pricing has increased, and we are charged per active user per month.

    2. Slack Connect allows a Samvera Slack member to connect to a channel in the workspace of another organization, without counting as a member of that organization

    3. Proposal from the Board that the ability to use this feature be restricted to individuals at Partner organizations. This will prevent users connecting via the Samvera Slack, but primarily to use another organization’s channels at Samvera’s cost.

    4. Notes: David gives overview of Slack costs and pricing and board suggestion. Heather suggests we offer use of slack channel as a partner benefit as a possibility. Jon Dunn describes slack connect service. Jon asks if softserv adds someone to one of their channels - all they add is email address. Do those requests go to all paid spaces where email address exists? Softserv always uses their own slack account and channels. How does Samvera handle new requests to the slack channel? Need a policy? Need to understand how slack channel request are routed…..Can turn ability to add new requests and have 1 person do it on a case by case basis. Having a slack workspace from a third party with someone in Samvera space does it add the channel to Samvera? The logistics may get complicated but only if there are lots of requests. Heather thinks its manageable.

  3. Maintenance Pledge and other approaches for completing community maintenance work

    1. Maintenance pledge drive open; one institution has pledged 663 hours (IU, home of many community leadership volunteers)

    2. 3,000 hour goal; any part of Samvera, not just Hyrax

    3. Originally started to allow for planning, both institutional and PO/Tech Lead

    4. Other approaches we might try?

    5. Would an in person Developers Congress be helpful? Looking for a host volunteer, can cap at whatever number you’re able to host.

    6. Notes: Heather gives overview. IU giving lots of hours….is this approach for dev hours still working? trying to figure out and do 1 pledge for institution doesn’t happen…..don’t want to get hung up on # of hours if that’s what keeping a pledge from happening. If calculation of hours is getting in the way of time frame, want to remove that barrier. John Weise - iteratively is a better way to do it, but that’s not the barrier. Still like current process. If no one minds the nagging, will continue……..

  4. March Partner Meeting agenda planning

    1. Don’t forget to RSVP to attend in person or virtually

    2. Notes: need to RSVP for planning….agenda in the works…Emily Lynema: perhaps talk about community goals for Hyrax. State of Hyrax report and discussion.

  5. Hyrax development update (Daniel)

    1. Update on Hyrax 5

    2. Accessibility testing options for Nurax - request

      1. Do any Partners have an accessibility crawler license that would allow crawling the Hyrax test sites to identify/confirm accessibility performaces

    3. Notes: Daniel report onHyrax 5 - all spec tests working in Valkeriye only instance. Fix bugs as found, update application generator, needed updates to create a Hyrax application wing Valkeriye. Once done Hyrax 5 will be released. Other updates on ruby on rails and analytics - need help with that after Hyrax 5 is out. Put call out for design docs as reference for old versions - what was it supposed to do….for analytics and other potential back ends. (notetaker: did I get that right?)

  6. Other Updates: 

    1. Sign up to present (5 - 30 minutes) at a future Partner call  

    2. Call for nominations open for Samvera Board through Feb 16th

    3. Call for Connect Hosts 2024 & 2025 open through February 22nd

    4. Oxford has an open access payments service developed using Ruby on Rails with a PostgreSQL database. Would this use case be relevant/of interest to US institutions?

      1. Tufts covers processing charges managed through budgeting system Alma accounting. Would be interested in what gets tracked other than the $$

    5. Looking for JavaScript front end or full stack devs curious about NextJS, to help with samvera.org website (built in NextJS)https://github.com/samvera-labs/samvera.org/issues - lots of activity in the Outreach & Engagement Working Group that could really use additional developer help on these issues

    6. Samvera Virtual Connect 2024 committee - thank you to volunteers! Look for call for proposals before March, Virtual Connect 2024 is May 1 & 2

    7. Call for Hyrax Product Owner and Tech Lead, one or two year terms starting July 1

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item) 

Date of next call: March in-person/Hybrid meeting at Northwestern, March 20th 1-5pm CST and March 21st 9-12 CST.

Heather will send calendar invites to in person and virtual attendees who RSVP
