2021-12-10 Partner Call



Samvera Partners Call

Friday, December 10th, 2021

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 964 6146 1639

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Hannah Frost


@Chris Awre

@Stuart Kenny

@Karen Cariani

@Jon Dunn

@Robin Lindley Ruggaber

@Nora Zimmerman

@Alicia Morris

@John Weise

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Finalized FY2022 budget summary
    Alicia shared the summary page. Total income expected from dues is $194K~ (amount received in 2021). Could go up.
    Expenses expected to come to ~$180K.
    Surplus at end of 2022 will be ~$14K.
    Total assets at end will be ~$444K; net assets ~$347K.
    Goal is to carry about $300-$340K, no more no less.

    ~$20K is outstanding this year; 2 invoices ($11k) remain in process.

  3. Updates:

    1. Developer Congress recap

      1. Just finished a congress. Big list of topics (Hyrax and core maintenance re Rails 6 and Ruby3). Decisions and discussions re: ownership.

      2. HGK working with product owners and those who have pledged hours.

      3. Contributing in January? Let us know soon! So far 1000 hrs pledged. More are welcome

      4. Getting out ahead of maintenance now, as planned.

      5. Next Developer Congress January 24 -28 with Hyrax Onboarding available

    2. Partner call demo or sharing/discussion slots open for 2022 – sign up here

      1. Please sign up!

    3. Technical Coordinator role analysis: Board is compiling information and handing to Roadmaps Alignment to help with analysis. Roadmap Alignment will be asking for community input. Board will discuss result at January virtual retreat.

    4. Working & Interest Group calls for participation: Community Guidelines Working Group; Component Maintenance Interest Group; Developer Onboarding Working Group

      1. All three could use additional help, one needs a facilitator

    5. : plans developing for January - April contributions.

      1. Going well, but again, more pledges are welcome. See Hyrax maintenance schedule below if that is where you want to contribute.

    6. 2022 Hyrax Maintenance Sprint weeks – can be scheduled as part of a pledge, or can join ad hoc as schedule allows. Also listed on the Samvera calendar

      1. January 1 - April 30

        • Jan 24 - Feb 4

        • Feb 21 - Mar 4

        • Mar 21 - April 1

        • April 18 - April 29

        May 1 - August 31

        • May 16 - 27

        • June 13-24

        • July 11-22

        • Aug 8-19

        September 1 - December 31

        • Sep 5-16

        • Oct 3-14

        • Oct 31 - Nov 11

        • Nov 28 - Dec 9

  4. Open discussion time/Partner updates/questions
    Rob / Notch8 announcement: acquired by Scientist.com, a long time relationship with Notch8. Rob and the rest of the team is not changing. Some growth expected. Activity in Samvera is not expected to change. Scientist is preparing for an IPO, they need to raise some revenue so lean on the Notch8 dev to help them bring on other customers. There could likely be a name change for Notch8. A big development, though really not that much of a change.

    Have been starting to tell their customers. No press release until January. Will let the community know via email soon. Trying to get in front of the rumor mill, which is not necessary!

  5. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)


  6. Date of next call: January 14th, 2022

  7. Notetaker for next call: @Daniel Coughlin