2021-06-11 Partner Call


Samvera Partners Call

Friday, June 11th, 2021

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 964 6146 1639

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Simeon Warner


@Heather Greer Klein

@Rosalyn Metz

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Lindley Ruggaber

@Lynette Rayle

@John Weise

@Chris Awre

@Brian McBride

@Margaret Mellinger

@Nabeela Jaffer

@Esmé Cowles

@Daniel Coughlin

@Abigail Bordeaux

@Nora Zimmerman


@Kevin Kochanski

@Hannah Frost

@Collin Brittle

@Harriett Green

@Glen Horton

Agenda and Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda?  

    1. None

  2. Questioning Authority Demo - E. Lynette Rayle, Cornell

    1. Acknowledgement to Dave Eichmann (Iowa) who has collaborated on QA cache work as part of LD4P

  3. Updates:

    1. Partner call demo or sharing/discussion slots still available for September- December – sign up here

    2. Fall Partner meeting time confirmation: Tuesday-Wednesday, October 12-13th? Week before Connect

      1. Please https://forms.gle/Ygojzne2wth2hWKZ6

      2. So far some experienced folks have signed up, would be good to get some new people involved also. Last Connect was really well documented so there is a good guidebook

    3. Repository management survey still in development

    4. Website issue

      1. Redirected traffic to wiki for a period whilst resolving. Uncovered issues with WP access, @Heather Greer Klein will continue to work out access issues and develop more active management plan

      2. Thanks to @Heather Greer Klein for resolving so well

    5. OASIS transition

      1. Press release next week, good to distribute further

      2. Finalizing transfer of remaining assets

    6. Open Repositories 2021

      1. Good reactions to fiscal sponsorship presentation, also workshop went well

      2. As with many free online meetings, OR workshop attendance was lower than sign-up – we need to think about what this means for Samvera Connect

      3. A number of talks about national repository initiatives

    7. Board elections

      1. Next week ballots will be sent to designated content for each parter, open until end of month

    8. For July call – update from the Roadmaps Alignment Group on state of Hyrax development in the Community

      1. ^^^ next meeting

  4. Development challenges discussions update

    1. Technology leaders meeting scheduled

    2. Great discussions about challenges and potential solutions

    3. We want to schedule Community efforts to give us the greatest chance for success. Looking to schedule with the academic calendar.

      1. Poll: Given planning for development work at your institution, how much lead time do you need to be able to commit one developer or QA tester, for .25 or .5 FTE of time, for one semester, once per calendar year?

        Some discussion of exactly where in the 3 to 6 months range decisions might most easily be made, what implications alignment with academic calendar has

  5. Still open: call for participants in the next Hyrax Maintenance WG cycle (July-December 2021)

    1. Participation target date: The team will begin with onboarding work the week of July 4. Monday, July 12 will be the first day of the first 2-week sprint.

    2. Who we need: 2 Developers and 2 GitHub issues testers who can secure a .5 FTE commitment from their institution for July-December 2021. Work is done in 2-week sprints, two weeks on and two weeks off.

      1. Developers will focus on evaluating the outstanding Hyrax issues on Github, addressing bugs, and reviewing pull requests.

      2. The GitHub issues testers will help the Product Owner evaluate and prioritize open Hyrax issues, and will test issues as pull requests are merged and issues are completed. The people in this role do not need to be developers.

    3. Time frame: July-December 2021. Work is done in 2-week sprints, two weeks on and two weeks off.

    4. To participate: Add your name to the team list on the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group page

      1. Contributions are strongly encouraged!

    5. For more information: See the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group page

    6. For questions: Contact Julie Hardesty (jlhardes@iu.edu), Hyrax Product Owner

  6. Upcoming Hyrax Valkyrization sprints: help us complete this work!

    June 14-26; developers welcome to join for any amount of time they can spare

    Help with code review makes it all go faster

    Join Hyrax WG Slack channel to show your interest

  7. Items from the newsletter:

    1. Summer Developers Conference

    2. Hex stickers available

      1. Heather will send them out at the end of the month

  8. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

    1. Nothing raised

  9. Date of next call: July 9th, with demo of Duke Research Data Repository (w/Globus integration)

  10. Notetaker for next call: 

    1. @Rosalyn Metz

  11. Update on Safety WG @Hannah Frost

    1. Expecting final draft of CoC and response process next week from consultant

    2. Finalizing organization document covering helpers, incident responders, etc.

    3. Expecting to make request for funding to support volunteer training

    4. Question of possible community accessibility policy – does anyone know of good information and policies from other places?
