Notes: Check-in for Developer Congress November 29th - December 3rd, 2021

We'll record group updates here in case there's anyone who misses the call

GitHub Project

Group Updates

  • Hyrax-valkyrization testing & coding
    • Lynette has been creating a postgres adapter for the Hyrax shared spec testingĀ 
    • Bug: Admin. Sets has a bug, and this is currently resolved with a work-around for the nurax-pg
      • Lynette is hoping to resolve this for the afternoon
    • Rebekah
      • Worked through most of the issues for the MVP
      • Aiming to address this throughout the rest of the afternoon
    • Alexandra
      • Dockerization of the nurax-pg application for local debugging
      • Docker compose for nurax-pg, there is a mostly working branch (docker-compose), and there needs to be more testing, and some refactoring
      • All assistance is welcome
      • Pretty advanced progress was made with these labors
      • Michael has been making progress with testing this
  • Rails 6 support
  • Samvera introductory technology documentation refinement

Topic Proposals

  • Topic List - Developer Congress November 29th - December 3rd, 2021
    • Update Hyrax Install Documentation
    • Hyrax::Ability Hardening
      • Hyrax::Ability is typically used downstream by customized Hyrax instances
      • Documentation primarily, but there may also be some refactoring involved
      • Group session discussing how one uses a test harness to advance development for this
    • Hyrax container and chart publishing --- automation edition
      • Need to ensure that Docker containers and Helm Charts are not published manually
    • Hyrax Onboarding
      • Request to schedule a session for this later in the week
      • UC Santa Barbara has a new developer joining the team
      • This is excellent for onboarding, Friday is likely to be the scheduled day
      • The meeting will be scheduled on Slack
    • Samvera gem ownership
      • Permissions might need to be adjusted
      • Regardless, Gem ownership responsibilities should be clarified
      • Cleaning Gem metadata should be addressed as well (removing former owners, individuals who have departed Samvera
      • Scheduling proposal
        • Thursday afternoon?
        • All interested parties agreed