2023-06-28 Outreach & Engagement notes


Jun 28, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Adam J. Arling

  • Molly Reed

  • @Chris Awre


Notes from last meeting: https://samvera.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/samvera/pages/2189033473



Motto Update:

  • Samvera Board had to move meeting, so we have no update yet.

    • Meeting Friday 6/30

  • Message that has been well received: You can’t install Samvera, Samvera is people (Kevin captured this poorly)


Samvera.org - Website Updates:

  • There are some issues on the board Adam has been working on for Samvera.org

  • Adam sent out an invitation for others to help, and hasn’t had any response

  • Anticipates hitting an issue per day, over two weeks

  • Reach out and see if anyone wants to work in NextJS

  • Could update in one of two ways:

    • Update markdown directly in GitHub

    • Using a headless CMS GUI, utilizing templates

  • Hyku is looking to update their web presence and will need to figure out how to incorporate with Samvera.org

    • Subdomains would be separate websites

    • For Hyku we should move forward with an independent site that’s linked from Samvera.org

    • Group supports moving Hyku documentation into Wiki

  • Solutions: Suggest that we develop a common homepage template with Hyku, Avalon, etc. Main menu is same, submenus are custom. Some common design to pull things together but with individual branding.

  • https://tailwindui.com/ - helps provide starting points for website components

    • Could help consolidate design/feel across different sites

  • Timelines:

    • Common goal would be to have a templated site for solutions for Hyku, Avalon, etc. to share at Connect in October

Action Items

  • Kevin to reach out to Adam with requirements for Hyku (proposed site map, and Avalon)

    • Keep Molly looped in, would be happy to help with content and design input