Scope & Objectives

The Hyrax Interest Group (formerly SIGAHR) will form a core leadership and management body for defining the Hyrax roadmap and actively overseeing the execution of the roadmap. The group will be home to the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group which undertakes periodic development sprints. There will be four Hyrax ‘roles’: Technical Lead, Community Lead, Projects Lead, and Product Owner to ensure that Hyrax is managed, developed and promoted in a stable way. The Hyrax Interest Group will be led by the Hyrax Product Owner.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Meetings will be held at least monthly on a conference call/video chat. Meeting agendas and notes will be shared with the community via chat (Slack) and Samvera Lists (Google Groups). Members of the group may wish to meet more often than monthly as needed.

Sunset Milestone: the Interest Group will self-evaluate at Samvera Connect. Evaluation and decision to continue the Interest Group will be based on group input into the utility of the group and the decision to continue or discontinue the group will include open discussion with the Samvera Community.

Slack group is: #hyrax-interest-group

Monthly meetings: 2nd Wednesdays at 11:30am Eastern (staring April 14, 2021)

2nd Mondays at 11:30am Eastern (starting January 11, 2021)

2nd Tuesdays at 4pm ET - 5pm ET (starting June 12, 2018) 

To join the Meeting:

see agenda for each meeting.


This group, and it’s meetings, will be open to the community, though the Hyrax Product Owner and Technical Lead will work to ensure, as possible, that members of the Interest Group represent a breadth and depth of interest in and engagement with Hyrax across the Samvera community. Members are expected to participate regularly in Interest Group activities and may have up to 8 hours of non-meeting work some weeks.

Hyrax Roles

The roles will rotate on an alternating 2 years schedule where the Product Owner and Project Lead will be given an opportunity to step down one year, and the Technical Lead and Community Lead the next. The rotation will give those in the roles an opportunity to step away, although there is no requirement that they do so.  We value both continuity and flexibility. The Interest Group will nominate someone to lead on recruitment and that conversation will begin at Samvera Connect the year prior to the roles coming up for rotation.

Hyrax Working Groups

The following working groups fall within the scope of the Hyrax Interest Group:


Meeting Notes

Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-04-14
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-03-08
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-02-08
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2021-01-11
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2020-12-08
Hyrax Interest Group Call 2020-11-10

Previous meeting notes from before Samvera Connect 2020