Release Planning 12-2-2013 (Cont.)

Attendees (PD's, PO's, Tech Lead)

Rick, Jeremy, Dan, Claire, Julie, Linda, Jon, Will, Mark, Robin, Ray


  1. Facilitator: Rick Johnson
  2. Set Notetaker: Julie Rudder
  3. Review Schedule
    1. 11/26,12/2-12/6, 12/9-12/10: 
      1. Writing Stories (Product Owners)
      2. Technical Design (Technical Lead)
      3. Select Planning, Task Tracking, Communication Tools (Select Team of PO's, PD's)
      4. Translate stories to technical tasks (Technical Lead)
    2. Tools Set by 12/4 – Nominations/Volunteers for team to evaluate tools includes: Claire Stewart, Ray Lubinsky or Robin Ruggaber,  Andrea Zielke, Randall Floyd.  Claire hopes to have possibilities described on the wiki by the end of the day Wednesday.  We'll need to respond quickly to have choices by the 4th. 
    3. Review Stories, PO and TL: 12/10
    4. Stories Finalized by 12/11
    5. Next Sprint: 12/9-12/20 (12/9-12/11: Onboarding, 12/12: Planning, and official start)
    6. Overall Sprint Schedule:  Hydramata sprint schedule
  4. Talk to Role Expectations (including role of SME's): Julie's draft doc for roles & project kickoff meeting
  5. Designate Backups
    1. Lead Project Director, Tech Lead, PO, Scrum Master
  6. Candidates for UX and QA leads
  7. Hydra Connect Planning
  8. Tools Update (keep short)
  9. Review   Phase 2 Release Goals


Schedule: What about holiday sprints and sprints during Hydra Connect? We will keep on 2 weeks sprint cycles in order to not disrupt the schedule, but will lower expectations for number of stories done in sprints where there is a lot of staff outage. There will be work ready for team members that may want to continue. 

Tools: It will likely not be able to select tools by Dec 4th, but small group (Claire and others) will have a selection for team to test and provide feedback. The new goal is to have a decision by Friday. 

Documentation for new folks or people going on and off the project: 

  • We need to send an update (to what list?) after each sprint that give an overview of what was accomplished with links to specifics. 
  • Need to have on boarding documents on the wiki that cover process.
  • Lead PO will be responsible for this, in coordination with Andrea (project assistant)

Merging code:

  • Jeremy looking into a process for code organization and merging. Has some ideas that need to be firmed up. 

Scrum Training: will be offered twice, by Claire and Julie. The same material will be covered at each session so only attend one. Claire will send an outlook invite. Anyone is invited. 

  • What tool will we use? Probably Google hang out or Adobe Connect, but that will be in the invite. 

Discussion of Roles:  

Back up Scrum Master:  Andrea Zielke from NU. Mark indicated increased capacity after Jan 1 and he could potentially act as back up SM. 

Back up Lead PO:  Linda Newman from UofC

Back up Tech Lead:  TBD

Lead UX:  still need to identify someone. Jon stated IU has a new UX person with capacity. We need to define this role and figure out how much work would be expected as far as a time commitment. This person does not need to actually code the UI, but should be the main point person who can inspect and provide guidance regarding relating to design, user interaction, usability, accessibility.  Could this person devote 30-50% of their time to the project.   An excellent UI will be very important when it comes to institutional buy in. 

  • regarding wireframes: not every story needs a perfect wireframe to be actionable. POs can provide basic wireframes to get things moving, but the UX specialists should be involved as much as possible.

SME's:  Can be added to our listserv to keep up to date (anything else here?)

QA Lead: TBD

How do we track institutional specific work vs Curate work:

  • We need to firm this up, but our basic assumption is that we will start with only having the team share tracking of work for the Curate proper app. Institutional specific work will be tracked at each institution. We do need a shared sandbox that is running Curate that everyone on the team can access. This will likely be a story in the first sprint.   
  • We think of Curate as the app we are all working on, but Shared-IR is the type of application. Let's call it Curate for now. If PDs want to change the name, the will address this in their meetings. 
  • There needs to be more discussion of whether or not Curate is a bundle of parts.  What belongs in Curate, what doesn't?  When would a plug in approach work better, why?

Hydra Connect topics:

  • what it's like to be a manager for Curate
  • what it's like to be a developer for Curate
  • intro to scrum training (for anyone, not just Curate)
  • Panel idea:  Collaborative projects, how we synchronize development and organize ourselves (could be with Avalon for example)
  • Curate project update
  • Product owners would benefit from Face to Face planning (should be on Friday but needs to consider overlap with other topics, like Avalon)
  • Some time for strategic discussion (for example Share, Grants, Sharing infrastructure and code). Needs to be on Wednesday or Thursday due to Conflicts with Claire and Jon's schedules. 

Release goals Review:

Rick will re-arrange the Goals list. 

We need to discuss this list more. We could devote a meeting to this list. 

PDs will priorities major features for the first release, but POs will figure out priority for work from sprint to sprint.  




Action Items (with carryover)

Designate Tech Lead backup

Nail down release numbering scheme

Update Role Descriptions on IR Page:  Hydramata Project main page

Julie will post agenda proposal for Thursday on Hydra Wiki. 

Designate Scrum master (Done): Jeremy Friesen

Designate Lead QA 

Designate Lead UX

Project Directors update release goals wiki page ( Phase 2 Release Goals) with comments by Monday, 11/25 meeting

Designate Scrum, planning, issue tracking, bug tracking, and communication tools by Dec. 6th. Send Tool options by Dec 4th

Schedule Meetings to review tools

Schedule Recurring Project Director Call

Schedule Story Review (overall pd, po's, and tech lead every two weeks, 2nd thurs of a sprint)

Schedule Release Planning

Schedule Recurring Sprint Planning (Monday every other week 1:30-4:30 ET)

Put release checklist on wiki (Rick)

Designate backup lead project director, product director, technical lead, scrum master. 

Schedule Kickoff meeting for everyone on 5th or 6th