2024-04-17 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Apr 17, 2024


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Discuss next steps for moving the knowledge base to Confluence

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

  • Check in on Action Items from last meeting

    • Bring over remaining old kb pages

      • Have we brought everything over?

        • Should do a final check to make sure we have

    • Continue removing “related articles” footers

      • Done

    • Look into Confluences features related to Labels (search, auto-generated index, etc)

  • The future of this group

    • Still want to transform into an IG with monthly community calls

    • Who would actually create the documentation?

      • The IG could create GitHub issues to be picked up during Dev Congresses

      • A GitHub Project could the be created to curate issues with a “Documentation” tag across all repos within the Samvera GH Organization

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Ensure old kb content will still be available in GitHub even if the site is taken down

    • Could be helpful as an archive if that content ever needs to be referenced

  • Need to figure out how to “turn off” old kb site

Related documents





Other items


 Action items

Review old kb to ensure all pages that should be brought over have been - @Kiah Stroud @Juliet Hardesty
Figure out who can “turn off” the old kb site and how - @Juliet Hardesty
Prep 5 minute update for Virtual Connect - @Kiah Stroud
Start updating links to old kb to point to the new one - @Heather Greer Klein
