2024-01-17 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Jan 17, 2024


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Discuss next steps for moving the knowledge base to Confluence

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

  • Check in on Action Items from last meeting

    • Linking to GitHub Wikis

      • Is “Samvera Design Patterns” synonymous with Hyrax’s “Development Patterns”?

    • High-level structural notes

      • “Deprecated” section?

      • What to do about documentation that differs between Hyrax and Hyku, for example? (E.g. Groups and Roles function completely differently between the two). Or Valkyrized Hyrax vs. non-Valkyrized Hyrax?

    • Instead of categorizing empty pages, we should go through them and denote whether we need to keep them or not

      • Look at legacy kb. If empty because we decided the info was no longer relevant, delete the page

    • Still need to remove broken template formatting that got brought over from the old kb

  • Next steps for the kb move

  • Who can turn off the old kb site?

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Schedule monthly meetings for 2024

  • Think about what the future of this working group should look like

    • Continue WG and get more people involved to work through the Roadmap

    • Convert into a Documentation Interest Group

      • Potentially make this switch after sunsetting the old kb as it will likely generate interest

    • Transform into a call like the monthly Tech call where folks can show up and ask questions, make requests, etc.

  • 2025 – ask community to pledge hours dedicated to documentation

Related documents





Other items


 Action items

Schedule monthly meetings for 2024 - @Heather Greer Klein
Instead of categorizing empty pages, we should go through them and denote whether we need to keep them or not (refer to old kb, see notes above) - @Juliet Hardesty
Remove broken template formatting that got brought over from the old kb - @Heather Greer Klein / @Juliet Hardesty
Continue making high-level structural notes for the new kb - @Kiah Stroud
Figure out who can turn off the old kb site - @Heather Greer Klein
