Setting the Thumbnail Image for a Video Item

Setting the Thumbnail Image for a Video Item


Collection staff have the ability to change the thumbnail and poster image for video objects. The image can be selected and set at two different times:


Set the Thumbnail When Creating an Item

Step 1: create an item

Step 2: upload an item

Step 3: set the thumbnail - the thumbnail defaults to 0:00:02 into every video. If the desired thumbnail time is known, it can be entered here.

Set the Thumbnail When Viewing an Item

Step 1: View an item

Step 2, Option 1: edit the item information - this step is identical to Step 3 above

Step 2, Option 2: create thumbnail directly - while the video is paused or playing, select the "Create Thumbnail" icon in the media player and follow the prompt to "Update Poster Image." The image may not update immediately when the page automatically reloads, but should update upon a manual refresh.

 - "Create Thumbnail"


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