Collection Member Roles

Collection Member Roles

Avalon has 4 roles that provide varying levels of access for site and collection management.

  • Administrator - Administrators can take any possible action in the application. Users in the Administrator role are typically limited to system administrators and administrative unit managers, and are generally the users able to add new staff to the Managers role and additional admins. Administrators are the only ones who can see and modify items in any collection.
  • Manager - Managers are those within a given unit who have overall accountability for the collection building within Avalon. Managers can create collections and assign additional staff to the manager, editor and depositor roles for those collections. They set the default access controls for items added to a collection and are the only user role in a collection that can edit or delete published items.
  • Editor - Editors have supervisory responsibility for the ingest and description process (i.e. collection building). They can assign depositor roles, change the name or description of a collection, and modify access controls for unpublished individual items in a collection.
  • Depositor - Depositors add media to a collection and describe it with metadata. They can publish items but not unpublish. They can only modify or delete unpublished items.

Permissions are inherited; i.e., an editor can do anything a depositor can do, a manager can do anything editors and depositors can do, and an administrator can do anything.

Managing User Roles

Administrator and Manager Roles

To be an Administrator or Manager, a user needs to be added to the corresponding "administrator and "manager" system groups. Users can be added or removed to these group by navigating to Manage Content → Manage Groups.

Editor and Depositor Roles

Any user in the application can be added to the Editor and Depositor roles within a collection.  Any user in the Manager role of a collection can add or remove users from these two roles.

User Role Permissions Table

Create administrative units


View all collectionsX

Create collectionsX  
Edit collection informationXX

Set default collection access controlXX

Delete collectionsXX

Manage groupsX

Add/remove managersXX

Add/remove editorsXX

Add/remove depositorsXXX
Add itemsXXXX
Set item access controlXXX
Add metadataXXXX
Publish itemsXXXX
Edit published itemsXX

Delete published itemsXX

Unpublish itemsXX

Edit unpublished itemsXXXX
Delete unpublished itemsXXXX
Move items to other collectionsXX

Batch uploadXXXX
View administrative metadataXXXX

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