Samvera Infrastructure Working Group Call 2020-03-20

Meeting Information

Frequency: Every other Friday (starting January, 17 2020)

Time: 2PM EST / 1 PM CST / 12 PM MST / 11AM PST

Location: Meeting URL

Meeting ID
735 006 576

Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers:
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


Time: 2pm EST / 1pm CST / 12pm MST / 11am PST

Moderator: Aaron Collier

Notetaker: Michael B. Klein



  1. Check-In
  2. Status of the Charter
  3. Action Items
    1. Tweak charter intro (see notes) 
    2. DONE Send out meeting invite to all current & prospective participants
    3. Update meeting invite with zoom vs. bluejeans
    4. Everyone please try to review charter before next meeting
  4. Set up next meeting
    1. Friday, February 28, 2020 1pm CT


Aaron: Charter looks good. Could use a narrative intro, which he will attempt to draft by the next meeting.

Easy win: Prioritize docker-compose stack for dev & test dependencies, rather than individual Dockerfiles.

MBK has devstack, a dev/test mode utility that sits on top of docker-compose.