Minutes for DPG conference call June, 2015

Date/Time: June Thursday 18, 2015 @ 9:00 AM PDT, 12:00 Noon EST, 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Attendees: Linda Newman, Bradley Daigle, Kelly Croswell, Andrew Diamond, Sarah Walden, Sibyl Schaefer, Uma Qasim, Chris Awre, Christen Hedegaard, Claus Jensen
    2. Moderator: Proposal: Christen Hedegaard
    3. Notetaker: Proposal Claus Jensen
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
    1. No comments

  3. Presentation of the  Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) (Bradley Daigle, content lead for the Academic Preservation Trust)
    1. Status of The Digital Preservation Network (DPN) where APTrust is one of the nodes
      1.  In his presentation Bradley Daigle gave an overview of APTrust after which he together with Linda and Andrew answered questions about APTrust and DPN. 
  4. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. University of Hull
      1. University of Hull are continuing their testing of Archivematica now with focus on research data.

    2. The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark:
      1. Are in the proces of implementing and testing first step in doing Preservation Action. (Fedora 4 Hydra 9)  
      2. First step is to let SOLR index the content files by metadata parameters.
      3. Metadata parameters could be Pronum ID, Creating Application, Format name, Tool name and version of the tool that has identified the content file  and so on.
      4. Based on selected metadata parameteres a brief statistic results is displayed on the monitor and the complete result is exported to a csv file (for more detailed statistic calculation)
        1. Use case:
          1. I want to know how many PDF files are in the repository  with following metadata parameteres:
            1. PUID fmt/18
            2. PDF version 1.3
            3. created by Msc Word 2007
      5. The above are now in test
      6. Second step is to use the output to do preservation actions on the detected content files with specified metadata paramteres.
        1. Use case 1:
          1. Because the FITS characterisation tool for epub has been updated I would like to re-characterize alle the epub content files in the repository. 
        2. Use case 2:
          1. I would like to migrate all the Msc Word 2003 files in the repository to PDF/A 
    3. CLUA
      1. In September CLUA will release their new hydra system into production. In collaboration with others, they are also testing Archivematica with a focus on research data.
  5. Update of DPG tasklist
  6. Next Meeting
    1. August the 13th
      1. Discussion item: Preservation metadata (PREMIS) for Games/Application, Digital Forensic and E-mails
  7. Any Other Business