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  • Schedule next meeting


  • Action Items:
    • We're gonna move the Zoom bombing document to Co-Development. (Lynette)
    • Move Topic Facilitator Guide - Developer Congress 2020 todo items to home page. (Lynette)
      • Will also put times here and remove the "Logistics" page.
    • (Anna) Create an agenda for the kickoff meeting.
    • (Kait) please add guidance to the Room Captain Template
    • (Anna) Review+edit co-development recommendations for zoom. Co-development Technologies#HelpfulHintsonHowtouseVisualStudio
    • (Trey) Replace "Room Captain" with "Topic Facilitator
    • (Anna) Send meeting to everyone for a couple weeks from now.
  • Anna: Looked for script for last dev congress, didn't find much. Will create an agenda.
  • Naming
    • "Room Captain"
      • Is there a different name for this?
      • People may want to talk about something, but not feel comfortable facilitating.
      • "Topic Facilitator"
    • "Topics"
      • Is topic the right word if people are going to do work?
      • Historically there's been a variety of things - sometimes it's talking about scoping or writing code, whatever people have energy around.
      • We decided on Topic.
  • Decide for time for kickoff, check-in, and wrap-up
    • 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern for kick-off.
    • 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern for check-in.
    • 12 PM Pacific/3 PM Eastern for wrap-up.
    • Publish these times on the "General" page.
  • Topic page:
  • Agenda for Next Time
    • Where should topic facilitators put the estimate?
    • Schedule & Format
    • Preparation
      • What should we ask of attendees in advance?
    • Communication Plan.