August 7th, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#



  • Tom Cramer
  • Rick Johnson
  • Linda Newman
  • Adam Wead
  • Richard Green
  • Mark Bussey
  • Chris Awre (latter half of call)
  • Patrick Feeley
  • Ginnie Dressler


  1. Chair: Rick Johnson
    Note taker: Richard Green
  2. Additions/changes to agenda
  3. Minutes of the last meeting  July 31st, 2014
  4. Logistics reports
    1. Booking:  60 of the 150 places are currently booked.
    2. Essential logistics page at  Essential logistics facts
      Patrick will work up a map of ad hoc spaces that can be used on a "drop-in" basis (Action: Patrick)
    3. More rooms in reserve just in case for Wed-Fri (Action: Patrick)
    4. Overnight car parking alternatives being investigated
  5. Program milestones and progress
    1. Have fairly constant agenda and incrementally work against list 
    2. Set major target dates in bold and work backwards from there
    3. Review Plan (Note how many are already crossed out!), Anything Missing?
    4. Items in bold and/or italicized make sure review today
    • Draft Program Outline Created (Target Date: August 7th August 14th, Distribute by Aug. 11th Aug 15th)
      • Delay draft program by a week to get it better organized
      • Share important thoughts by email on or before Tuesday 12th (Action: all)
      • August 14th call to finalise content of the draft program to be published on 15th
      • Get High Level Tracks Set
        • Define Categories of Talks and Activities: WS = workshop, PL = plenary, LT = lightning talk, PR = presentation (say 20 mins), WG = Work group (Friday), PS = Poster, SOC = Social Events
        • Define various audiences: NPA = New and prospective adopters, MGR = established managers, DEV = established developers, DEVOPS = Developer Operations, OTH = other'
        • Set high level schedule and match to audience
          • Transfer all items below to  Connect 2 Planning matrix

            Day Track Audience
            Mon Specific working groups (eg Fedora committers)
            SOC: Sign up dinner groups especially to welcome newcomers 
            Tues WS; SOC: Beer Bus, Other NPA, DEV, MGR? All
            Wed Plenary (PR, LT, PS)
            SOC: Conference dinner
            Thurs 1/2 day Continue Plenary; 1/2 day Unconference Separate Tracks; End Plenary SOC: Unconference Style All DEV/MGR/NPA/DEVOPS All
            Fri Workgroups, Current Projects, Specialized Topics MGR/DEV/DEVOPS
      • Define Plenary and Invited Topics
        • Last look on Brainstorming page at  Subject matter brainstorming
          • Please add any further items to list before next call  (Action: all)
        • Draft email to community asking what we should definitely cover in Connect #2; response deadline before next call 
        • Determine place for community to add topics (create public accessible wiki page) 
        • Review  Must Cover Topics for Hydra Connect 2
        • Integrate community supplied topics into organizer list (in Progress)
        • Need item about Hydra's technical direction; Robin has firm views, Richard will ask specifically what she would like to include in the discussion 
        • Richard to add high level program planning page to wiki.  It can now be found here  Connect 2 Planning matrix
        • Identify primary themes for plenary (derive from  Objectives and Targets for Hydra Connect)
        • Committee will group brainstormed topics into categories for similar topics and tracks (In Progress)
        • Review Themes listed on:  Connect 2 Planning matrix (old) 
        • Identify and reach out to invited speakers
          • Reach out to Plenary topic speakers (Action: Rick)
          • Reach to Manager topic speakers (Action: Linda)
          • Reach out to Dev topic speakers (Action: Adam)
          • Follow up Mark Bussey about Intro to Rails and Dive into Hydra Timing Content, Prequisites (Action: Adam)
          • Hydra and Blacklight UX workshop length (Action: TBD) (Identified as 90 minutes by Chris Awre)
        • Confirmation of all invited speakers (Target Date: August 22nd)
      • Need to start developing a program page for the wiki ( HC2014 Schedule v1.4.pdf) (See planning matrix)
      • Schedule and create separate tracks
        • Define Separate Tracks in  Connect 2 Planning matrix
          • Maintain 60/40 split between conference/unconference on Wed and Thurs
        • Each category of attendee needs to get a coherent program within their track. Linda (managers), Adam (devs), Rick (NPAs) will attempt to map the suggested topics onto the tracks prior to our 7/31 call (Action: Linda, Adam, Rick)
        • Break NPA and MGR workshops into NPA DEV, NPA MGR, and MGR tracks (Action: Linda)
          • Provide specifically for devops only during workshops and working groups?
        • Match audience to track(s) and number of tracks at different times defined
        • Need to establish criteria for content, program and tracks.  Tom has created a page at  Objectives and Targets for Hydra Connect . Please comment, add to, etc. (Action: all)
        • Richard to try and get the nice program master template used in January from Mark  (Action: Richard)
        • Fill out unconference track seed topics (link to them from planning matrix)
        • Workshops
          • May want workshops for "Worthwhile" and/or Hydramata "Works"
          • Co-leadership (esp across institutions) is good!
          • Workshops can potentially span multiple tracks
        • Need Separate Track Specific Topics (regular conference time on Thursday)
          • NPA (Action: Rick)
          • DEV (Action: Adam)
          • MGR (Action: Linda)
          • DEVOPS (Action: TBD)
          • Posters: Tom
          • Panels probably need to be 60 minutes long - need to re-jig time slots
          • Lightning talks on Thursday should be tracked rather than plenary
          • List of "must cover" topics should be reviewed (Action: all)
          • Rick will look at aspects of flow and transition through the program (Action: Rick)
        • Fill out Working Group Tracks
          • DEV (Action: All)
          • MGR (Action: All)
          • DEVOPS (Action: All)
          • Don't try to allocate working groups to timeslots prior to conference: simply list those that need accommodating.  At the conference it will be more straightforward to organize them without creating clashes and to allocate rooms on the basis of attendance.  Some form of sign-up mechanism will be needed (possibly as part of September email?)
      • Request and Gather feedback on draft program (2-3 weeks, August 11 15 - 29)
    • Unconference scheduling execution (during conference)
      • Need to review prior process
      • Make any adjustments based on feedback and/or larger number of attendees
      • Use software to vote and then do scheduling with smaller group
    • Workshops
    • Seed Unconference topics (Target Date: September 15)
      • Put out call to community (Target Date: TBD)
      • 2nd call closer to event (Target Date: August 30th)
      • Gather up until 2 weeks before Event (Target Date: September 15)
    • Finalize Rooms for Program (Target Date: August 15th? 30th?)
      • Estimate Attendee Count for per track and/or session
      • Match scheduled sessions (plenary, workshops, LT, etc) to rooms and accommodations
      • Have variety of rooms available for unconference portion to assign as appropriate
    • Program Finalized (Target Date: August 15th for workshops, August 29 main program )
      • Dependency for funding for some? Travel plans?
    • Emails to go (see  Email to attendees ):
      • August 11th:  two weeks only to get discount hotel rates etc 
      • August 15th:  less than two weeks to get hotel rate (to incorporate daft program)
      • August 20th:  one week only to get discount hotel rate
      • early September:  Email to signed-up attendees - requirements/tracks/workshop attendance/workgroup attendance/posters etc
    • Send Survey to community after event on program and overall success of event
  6. AOB
  7. Next meeting Thursday 14 August usual timeslot
    Please highlight on the draft agenda items that must be resolved in the call (Action: all)