2016-02-11 HC2016 Host Committee Meeting


  •  11:00 AM EST (GMT-5)
  •  +1 605-562-3140, access code: 998712


Discussion items

Please feel free to add items

Time Item Who Notes
1 min Identify notetaker Mark  
1 min Review 2016-01-25 HC2016 Host meeting (with 2015 hosts) Karen
  • Got information from Mark Bussey and Richard Green about cost
10 min Agenda building Karen
  • Work assignments
  • Identify permanent person to staff desk between sessions
  • Where are the meeting rooms?
    • Workshops (first day): 1-2 at NEU, rest would be at BPL
    • Rest of conference: most sessions at BPL, but breakout space at Northeastern.
  • Identify good venue(s) for conference dinner
  Identify good venue(s) for conference dinner Karen
  • Karen Cariani: WGBH has space in the library in the new cafe at BPL. Conference dinner would be prohibitively expensive ($100-150 per person for dinner).
  • Alicia Morris: I could identify 3-5 places after talking to others at Tufts.
  • ?: Have looked into this similarly for NEA/MARAC joint conference.
  • Patrick Yott: Can look into student center space w/ catering at Northeastern.
  • ?: ~400 person reception at Aquarium was ~$7500
  • Eben English: Ideally we want something that's easily accessible via public transportation.
  • ?: VIVO conference is in Boston/Cambridge - can we identify where they're meeting?
  • When can we open registration?
    • Shoot for late May
  • Eventbrite management
    • DPLA has experience; matienzo will check w/ staff at DPLA if they can manage transactions.
  • Blocker on registration costs:
    • Security staffing at BPL
    • Dinner costs
  • Need shared document for budget
  • Registration desk staffing
    • Who can offer staff?
    • Do we need to staff an NEU registration desk? (Yes, probably for limited hours).
  • Have there been sponsorships in the past?
  • Potentially bring up at partner call or with Hydra Steering
  • How do we want to organize this? Do we need a separate commitee?
  • Reminder: have 2 rooms available; could subsidize registration.
  • Question to ask program committee is to see whether there's value in the scholarships.
  • Wireless?
    • Eduroam & guest accounts at NEU
    • BPL: still in discussion
  • Recording sessions
    • Assumed that we can only record 1-2 simultaneous sessions
    • Recording needs staffing.
    • BPL (ideally) would like to livestream but bandwidth available may prohibit that.
  Social activities  
  • BPL tours are a possible
  • Newcomer dinner sounds like a good idea; provide list of recommended restaurants; responsibility for coordinating groups/reservations/etc. relies on volunteers.
  • Red Sox/Bluejays game on 10/2?
  • Karen to add further ideas

Action items

  • Patrick Yott: check into Northeastern Student Center
  • Alicia Morris: Will look into other options.
  • matienzo: Will ask colleagues at DPLA about space ideas for dinner
  • matienzo: Inquiring about DPLA handling Eventbrite transactions
  • matienzo: Will look into DPLA staff handling registration shifts
  • Karen Cariani: Investigating whether WGBH staff can handle registration shifts
  • matienzo: discuss sponsorship on tomorrow's partners' call
  • sanderson: will reach out to Richard/program committee to ask for earlier charge, to get feedback on stuff like scholarships
  • Patrick Yott: Investigate whether NEU A/V staff can record sessions
  • Karen Cariani: Identify additional social activities options.