2024-07-18 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes



@Karen Cariani

@Aaron Collier

@Kirsten Leonard

@Kate Lynch

@Emily Lynema

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Ruggaber



@Heather Greer Klein

@Esmé Cowles


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Welcome Aaron and Emily!

  3. Board meeting date/time change?

    1. Confirming the best time if we move beginning with the August meeting would be third Friday at 11AM

    2. Resolved to make this move - Heather will update

  4. Mid-year budget review

    1. Review of June report with Q3 and Q4 projections

    2. Heather’s travel is well within budget, can attend all regional meetings including UK meeting (October 22) and print any hex stickers needed for the meetings

  5. Hybrid Board meeting attached to Northeast regional meeting

    1. Northeast (Princeton October 14-15) - we will have a meeting on the 14th right after the in-person conference wraps up.

  6. Hyrax training workshop progress

    1. Proposal

    2. Depending on dates the could be a 2025 budget line or split over 2024-2025

    3. Need to push for more MWG sprint participation; Daniel still participating but at .25 FTE.

    4. Will make a request with the MWG weeks and specific requests for participation through the end of the year (will go first week in August so Daniel can review).

      1. Could also emphasize the on ramping available or other support to help with onboarding; organization of the maintenance work is done and just need people to commit. Make the scope and resources really clear, and ask for organizational resource allocation.

      2. Need to pitch this as the community sprint times, emphasize the timing and priorities. Output specific ask.

      3. Hyrax Core Team might be a more descriptive name

    5. Heather will work on this with Rebecca and Daniel and get the message out early August.

  7. Infra Finder additions (Avalon, Hyrax) and updating (Hyku)

    1. Infra finder

    2. https://infrafinder.investinopen.org/solutions/hyku

    3. Missing from Hyku:

      1. Open API documented spec (Dspace example) - Is this a swagger spec? Aaron will investigate this, and Kirsten will talk to SoftServ about the best thing to link

      2. Open Data Statement (DSpace example) - BSD license statement in Github -Heather will add this Hyku

    4. Heather will work with Avalon and Hyrax on getting them into Infrafinder

  8. State of Open Infrastructure 2024 report has 3 recommendations for communities:

    1. “Complete and be prepared to share (or even make public) commonly requested assessment documents that apply to the infrastructure. The single most important example of this is a VPAT or ACR to demonstrate compliance with web accessibility guidelines.”

      1. We’ll make sure our Hyku VPAT is prominent on the website

    2. “Consider completing (and making available the results of) a voluntary self-assessment using an established values framework such as the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI, Bilder et al. 2020) or the FOREST Framework for Values-Driven Scholarly Communication (Lippincott & Skinner, 2022).”

      1. Having a web page that links to projects adhering to these principles, and community values that speak to the FOREST guidelines, and guiding principles of the community. Some kind of principles document that aligns with how these are articulated to leaders.

    3. “Foster trustworthy service provider programs to support a variety of vended options for open infrastructure” – we do this now but a good reminder that this is critical to success.

    4. related - GDPR/privacy policy

      1. Is this something we should create and add to the website? Example from Oasis Open - https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/privacy/

  9. Other Updates

    1. 2024 invoice payments

    2. 2023 Annual report - volunteer to review text today or tomorrow? - Alicia, Kate, and David will review tomorrow

    3. Daniel’s exit interview scheduling

    4. Latest on potential new Partners

    5. Upcoming: branding guide, technology report from Roadmaps Alignment Group, report on community repository upgrade work from SoftServ, web accessibility statements for the Nurax testing sites

  10. Date of next Board meeting: August 16th - Kate will facilitate