2023-12-01 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes



@Karen Cariani

@Esmé Cowles

@Jeremy Friesen - regrets

@Jessica Hilt - regrets

@Kirsten Leonard

@Brian McBride

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Ruggaber

@david.schober - regrets


@Heather Greer Klein

@Carolyn Caizzi - regrets


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Thank you to Carolyn, Esmé, and Brian!!

  3. Board election

    1. Propose we

      1. Make sure our monthly meeting day and time works for all – will do a poll

      2. move virtual retreat to February every year, to ensure scheduling with new members

  4. Call for hosts for Connect, 2024 and 2025

    1. Any other information needed for this call?

    2. Heather will send out next week

  5. Call for Chapter Proposals: Open Movements: Recognizing Challenges and Building Connections

    1. Heather and Carolyn working on a proposal

  6. 2024 Budget planning

    1. 2024 budget -

      1. Need to get approval from Board by Dec 13, 2023

      2. Meeting Decisions:

        1. Propose a 5% dues increase to Partners, for 2025

        2. Keep full year of reimbursement as an option for the next Product Owner and/or Tech Lead

        3. Contract for two, 2-week sprints for a total of $36,000 to SoftServ to complete proposal to migrate the Samvera Community Repository to Hyrax 5 with a Postgres backend, and document the fileset migration process for Valkryie adapters – we will try to raise additional funds in 2024 to cover this, but we have the funds in reserve and it is critically important to keep this momentum. This work will benefit adopters for both Postgres and Fedora 6 who want to implement “passive migration” of filesets as well as metadata.

        4. Do we need a separate fund for any innovation fundraising? Heather will ask Cathie about creating this, for us to put funds into and gives another specific option for fundraising

      3. $36,000 estimate for SoftServ to move community repo (enables passive migration capabilities for filesets); not currently in budget

        1. Budget group discussed funding this work now, and fundraising in 2024 to cover this gap in our budget – Ask for funds beyond the dues to cover this important work (enabling a passive migration path), and/or to cover other things we would want to do in 2024 that we can’t without additional funds

        2. Sending information in January to community, and present at Partners call, outlining the budget for 2024 – where dues funds are going, what we pay for and why (pie chart percentage, etc), what we would do with additional funds – Give institutions talking points and reasons to support further efforts

        3. Even with no additional funds, this would keep our reserve fund above the 1 year reserve target – we couldn’t take on anything else without fundraising

      4. OASIS 5% increase from $50,000 to $52,500

      5. Heather travel spending 2024

    2. Some scenarios for increasing the budget

      1. New Partners -in process and working from a list of invest adopters

      2. Increase dues by 5% (provide a history of dues and what it pays for) – would need to make a case to Partners to do this in 2025 calendar year

      3. Grants

      4. Funding Development via call to community

  7. DLF/Digipres reflections

    1. Several requests for Heather to submit talk to spring CNI

      1. Should go in person, need to figure out how to submit. Kirsten will follow up

    2. Jeremy’s talk was excellent! Great way to explain the exciting potential of Valkyrie; some version should be part of OR2024. Jeremy will present at Partner call next week

  8. OR2024 - Samvera presence

    1. Repository rodeo

    2. Something to talk about wider application of Valkyrie? “Passive migration” is an attractive option

    3. Heather talking to Arran Griffith about a session on advocacy - panel on working together

  9. Other Updates

    1. Invoicing 2023

    2. Interest survey summary

    3. Connect 2023 feedback summary

    4. Hyrax tech lead and PO recruitment - collecting leads. Should we put out calls in early January?

    5. Regional events and an in-person dev congress - kick off planning at the next partner call?

    6. Valkyrie community effort press release

    7. Potential Partner updates

  10. Date of next Board meeting: January 26th, 2023

  11. Heather’s performance review