01. Dictionary

01. Dictionary

AIP: Archival Information Package. Information intended to be stored and not modified by the archive.

Avalon: Short for Avalon Media System. The Avalon Media System is an open source system for managing and providing access to large collections of digital audio and video. See http://www.avalonmediasystem.org/ for more information.

Archivematica: Archivematica is a web- and standards-based, open-source application which allows your institution to preserve long-term access to trustworthy, authentic and reliable digital content. See https://www.archivematica.org/en/ for more information.

Collection: As defined by Avalon, a collection is a grouping of items for administrative and discovery purposes. Items belong to one and only one collection.

DIP: Dissemination Information Package. Archival information created for user access.

Item: As defined by Avalon, a single item (media object) accessible through one Avalon page; consists of one or more media files and metadata describing the media file(s).

Manifest: An Avalon-compliant spreadsheet containing all necessary metadata required to create one or more items. Additional descriptive information, media files to be attached to the item, and additional files such as XML containing hierarchical structure-within metadata and subtitle/caption files can also be associated with the items to be created as defined in the manifest.

Preservation Storage: Infrastructure suitable for long-term preservation. This service exists outside of the context of both Archivematica and Avalon.

SIP: Submission Information Package. Information intended to become an AIP. In Archivematica, this is the initial digital objects sent into and through the services until they become an AIP.

Storage Service: A component of Archivematica where Users can view and modify their infrastructure settings and stored AIPs.

Transfer Source: The place from which Archivematica can copy data from. The Transfer Source is configured in Archivematica and is a place to store prepared sets of data suitable for becoming Submission Information Packages.

UUID: A Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify some digital object. Archivematica mints UUIDs for each SIP and, optionally, files within the AIP.

Unit: As defined by Avalon,  A unit is a grouping of collections for administrative and discovery purposes. Usually, a unit will map to an administrative or departmental unit within an institution. Collections belong to one and only one unit. A collection's unit is just a label used for navigation and indexing; there are no privileges associated with units.

User: The librarian, archivist, technician or preservationist moving content into and through preservation systems, or managing these processes.

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