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September Hyrax-Valkyrization Effort report out

(Sorry, I have placed these at the bottom of the page)

Welcome and introductions

Welcome Rebekah

Facilitator request

get back to rotations? 6 months (12 meetings), 3 months (6 meetings)? Create and share agendas, lead meeting

Proposal for Core Components changes (James)


  • Component Maintenance Interest Group

  • Lack of availability for core components because of focus on Hyrax. Also limited communication on maintenance of gems. James has made some progress, but wants to try to re-scope core components, replace with an interest group. Redefining or re-evaluating community needs, and presenting at Connect. Make it more accessible and visible. James has been trying to upgrade active fedora, but with valkyrized Hyrax will come out soon so might not be maintained for long. But knowing who needs a gem like this and for how long, and working to make sure there is a clear path to migrate off of some of these gems is the right call. Users of the gems could be helped to migrate to new solutions.

  • Not much effort or interest so far on core components maintenance call. Don’t want to introduce obstacles to other project work.

  • What happens if we just declare them all deprecated across the board? Rob thinks that would cause alarm, but might be what is needed to get maintenance responsibilities goes. Rob has long suspected that our dependency split is inverted. In most large projects there is the core functionality, and plug-ins. Consolidating into core Hyrax code base reduces maintenance burden.

  • Anticipate hand wringing, but curious if it will lead to change.

Assignment from Board: updated state of technology white paper

Don’t want it to report without Hyrax Valkyrization completed. But a reasonable request. First quarter of next year would be the better timeline. Hoping it would mean fewer caveats.

Heather will bring that to the board.

GitHub Teams – what are the next steps

  • Better implementing Github Teams

  • 2022-06-14 Meeting Notes and Agenda has notes on this

  • Without CLAs, do we need teams?

    • It’s useful when managing tickets

    • Reviewing, merging PRs

  • Current team membership is a bit wonky in the context of who’s working on stuff

  • Teams specific to non-developer roles would be a way to drive home the point that there are technical parts of being in this community without writing Ruby code

Development Communication Plan

  • Having a regular plan to ask for help when large dependency updates are coming
