Hyrax v3.0 MAP Documentation Review Working Group Meeting 2020-09-16
Connection Info:
9-10am EST
via Google Hangouts: meet.google.com/fmf-zzpm-mfp
Notetaker: Nora E.
Julie Hardesty
Emily Stenberg
Anna Goslen
Nora Egloff
Annamarie Klose
-Check in on Hyrax 3 development and release timeline
*Julie: 3 is currently in the last round of QA testing; devs are using a script to test all application functions
*work is focused on bug fixes
*unlikely that any further changes to MAP will take place
-Determine whether it is appropriate to pull the trigger on a PR for Knowledge Base updates, based on development timeline
*not yet: Julie has a branch in github for the updated text and grids, but she wants to finalize it and then go over it with the WG at our next meeting before pulling the trigger
-M3 .yml document discussion and review as a group
*M3 spec can be thought of as a "goal" for how metadata looks and works out of the box
*Ordering of fields - should the ordering in the M3 spec match the ordering in the 3.0 MAP? (yes)
* Versioning of M3 spec documents
-Next steps:
*go over draft Hyrax 3.0 M3 spec (Annamarie K. will prepare)
*go over Knowledge Base commit, then do pull request (Julie H. )
-Set next meeting time
*the next meeting will be on Wednesday, 9/30 from 9-10am