Hyrax v3.0 MAP Documentation Review Working Group Meeting 2020-05-20

Connection Info:
9-10am EST
via Google Hangouts: meet.google.com/fmf-zzpm-mfp

Notetaker: Nora E. 

Julie Hardesty
Anna Goslen
Nora Egloff
Annamarie Klose
Emily Ping O'Brien


-wrap up discussion of field ordering decisions in the MAP 
    *confirmed that the ordering in the sheet MAP matches the ordering the form

-make final "locked" version of the sheet MAP 
    *settings have been updated: now anyone can COMMENT on the sheet, but only WG members can edit.
    *other folks can easily be added as editors if need be
    *open comment feature will create a paper trail for questions or issues with the MAP going forwared

-review of Julie's text for the revised Knowledge Base MAP Metadata Application Profile page
    *agreement that the text looks good; entire rows in table for properties new in 3.0 will be italicized
    *will also add a line in the Defining Metadata in the Model tutorial page in the Knowledge Base, pointing users to the Metadata Application Profile KB page for up-to-date MAP
    *there has been no input from the community on samvera.guthub.io issue #415 (15 days), so we are probably all good to proceed with a PR

-Next steps:

    *Julie will make updates discussed in this meeting to the KB pages' markdown files
    *for the time being, the core.rb and basic.rb links will direct to the code in the Hyrax master branch
          →once there is a 3.0 stable release branch, those links should be switched into place in the final PR 

-Set next meeting time
    *next meeting will be Wednesday, 6/24, from 9-10am EST
*this will be a check-in to determine where the community is at in terms of a stable Hyrax 3.0 release