Hyrax v3.0 MAP Documentation Review Working Group Meeting 2020-05-06
Connection Info:
9-10am EST
via Google Hangouts: meet.google.com/fmf-zzpm-mfp
Notetaker: Nora E.
Nora Egloff
Julie Hardesty
Annamarie Klose
Emily Ping O'Brien
Emily Stenberg
-Teamwork on making changes to the Knowledge Base MAP Metadata Application Profile page
*earlier this week Julie opened up issue #415 on samvera.github.io outlining how we plan to make update the pages underlying the jekyll site
*would involve making a branch and folder for v3.0 with a new .md file and making changes to the sidebar .yml
*we will see if anyone in the community responds to the issue with feedback about this strategy and our work; if no one responds by the next WG meeting, Julie will commit the branch
-Team came up with some language to add to the introductory paragraph on that page; Julie took notes in the (uncommitted) branch
*add link to the expanded Google sheet v3.0 MAP in the intro paragraph, and add links to the appropriate tabs in the sheet for each section (Core, Basic, Namespaces)
*update embedded, markdown tables to include changes/additions to the MAP, using the v3.0 MAP sheet as reference
*add note to the effect that the fields are listed in the order they appear out-of-the-box in the form
-Return CC license issue discussion (see hyrax issue #810)
*all are in agreement that CC licenses should be upgraded to include v4.0.
*some members voiced the opinion that, from a metadata migration perspective (i.e. migrating existing records into a Hyrax application instance), it would probably be best that out of the box Hyrax include all legacy CC licenses in order to not force changes
*since this keeps coming up, this will be added as a topic to the next SMIG agenda in order to gather additional thoughts from community metadata folks -Discussion about ordering of fields in the MAP, and about which columns to include on the pared-down version of the MAP on the Knowledge Base
*Emily O.: Do we want to change the order to match what appears on the form? (consensus: yes)
*are there other ways that we could modify the ordering?
→Separate out the MUST fields and put them at the top
→Indicate that something (e.g. rights_note) is new to Hyrax v3.0
*only the first 5 columns in the embedded, markdown MAP on the KB page will be there in the updated v3.0 version
→Property (Field) | Predicate | Rdf-vocab Predicate | Recommendation | Expected Value (Data Type)
→viewers will be able to click on a link to the expanded sheet version of the MAP in order to see full information for each section
-Next steps:
*make final "locked" version of the sheet MAP; determine how we want to handle versioning of this document, vis-à-vis the KB MAP page, going forward.
*pending input from the community, commit the branch for KB updates and finalize them
*continue discussion of field ordering decisions in the MAP
-Set next meeting time
*next meeting will be Wednesday 5/20, from 9-10am EST