In 2013, Stanford began work to adapt the designs and functionality in Atrium to meet a pressing need for providing exhibits to satisfy donor requirements. This work came to be named Spotlight!, though in development it was also variously referred to (respectfully) as "BLomeka" for a Blacklight-based Omeka, or Atrium 2 or Exhibitz.
Development is currently (Winter 2014) underway with Github as the central resource: https://github.com/sul-dlss/spotlight
Earlier artifacts
At the Hydra Partners meeting in September 2013 at State College, PA, the initial design artifacts for this Exhibits tool, produced by Gary Geisler at Stanford after substantial analysis over the summer of 2013, were discussed.
- The attachment (PDF) is here: exhibits-design_2013-09-24.pdf
- Please send any input to exhibits-feedback@lists.stanford.edu
Exemplars of Exhibits
- Inspired early design (Blacklight + ActiveFedora Implementation): http://inquisition.library.nd.edu
- Later Hydra Based Solution Colonial Currency Collection Presentation at Code4Lib 2011 (start at time 24:30): http://www.indiana.edu/~video/stream/launchflash.html?format=MP4&folder=vic&filename=C4L2011_session_3_20110209.mp4
- Current ND Atrium code: https://github.com/ndlib/atrium
- Example Current Atrium site: TBD